Title "Old Hannibal" Sits in His Jennet Drawn Two Wheeled Cart with a Jack Colt by the Jennet's Side
Date of Original Circa 1890-1900
Date of Digital 15 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - Ed Butler (or by some accounts Llewellyn Butler), better known as "Old Hannibal", was a former slave born with withered legs.  He was very strong in body and arms and made his living caning chairs.  At his death he was interred in the old Baptist Cemetery.
Creator Unknown
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Butler, Ed ("Old Hannibal")
Subject African American businessmen -- Missouri -- Hannibal -- 19th century.
Original Format Photograph, black and white, 5" by 3".
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B0559