Title Douglass School
Date of Original Unknown
Date of Digital 15 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - The Douglass School, housing all 12 grades, was where the African American students of Hannibal were educated.  In October 1954 Douglass High School had its last homecoming.  The last graduating class (1955) consisted of Shirley Douglass, Joe Louis Frazier, Blondell Lasley, Lois Williams McBride, Mary Lucille McElroy, Charles Porter, Crosteola Wallace, Velma Delores Ward, Delbert Williams, Mona Williams and Charlotte Woods.  Between its inception in 1878 and its closure in 1959, a total of 679 students had graduated from the school.
Creator Unknown
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo.)
Original Format Photograph, black and white, 7" by 5".
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B1425