Title Group Scene at the Broadway Wedge
Date of Original Circa 1880's
Date of Digital 13 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - The "Wedge" was located where Broadway and Market Streets converged.  Many of the inhabitants of this part of Hannibal were African American.  In this scene, a crowd consisting of both whites and African Americans pose before the "Broadway Junction" building.  The streets were still unpaved as evidenced by the wheel tracks.
Creator Unknown
Contributor Threlkeld, M. K.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Wedge (Hannibal, Mo.)
Subject African Americans -- Missouri -- Hannibal -- History.
Original Format Photograph, black and white, 11" by 8", several discoloration marks in center..
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7202