Title Portrait of Daisy M. (Lankford) Brown
Date of Original Unknown
Date of Digital 15 November 2004

HANNIBAL, MO - Daisy Myrtle Lankford (Johnson) BROWN TINSLEY FOWLER was a local schoolteacher as well as a poet, publishing under the name Daisy M. Lankford.  She married J. T. BROWN, who received his architectural degree in Tuskeegee, Alabama, and came to Hannibal to help build the UBF Hall.  He worked with Daisy's brother on the project.

Creator Unknown
Contributor Hall, Rhonda. deClue, David.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Fowler, Daisy Myrtle Lankford (Johnson) Brown Tinsley.

Brown, J. T.

Subject African American poets -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject African American educators -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Original Format Photograph, black and white, 5" by 7", corners trimmed off, some fraying on all four corners.
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7218