Title Back Cover of the Korla Pandit Record Album Entitled "The Universal Language of Music - Christmas Traditional, Volume 5"
Date of Original Unknown
Date of Digital 13 November 2004

HANNIBAL, MO - A brilliant, talented organist afraid of being rejected for his African American heritage, John Roland REDD assumed the stage name of Korla Pandit, a native of India.  He also was known as Juan Rolando. 

Creator India Records
Contributor Hall, Rhonda. deClue, David.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Pandit, Korla, 1922-1998.
Subject Rolando, Juan.
Subject Redd, John Roland, 1922-1998.
Subject African American musicians  -- United States -- 20th century.
Original Format Record album, black and white, 12" by 12".
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7222