Title | Douglass School Band of 1959 |
Date of Original | May 1959 |
Date of Digital | 15 November 2004 |
Description | HANNIBAL, MO - This is a picture of the last official band of the Douglass School with its instructor whose name is unknown. The members were, from left to right : in the front row, Delores Gibson, Maxine Douglas, Karen Williams, unknown, Ada Porter, Sue Williams, and Patricia Anderson ; in the second row, Patricia Allison, unknown, unknown, Joe Dixon, Gabriel Hale, Joseph Porter, unknown unknown, Clifford Churchill and Osceola Gibson ; on the tuba is Sonny Campbell ; in the back row, only Michael Green (4th from left), Maurice Forte (6th from left) and Perry Demic (2nd from right). At the time this was taken, there were four junior high schools in Hannibal. The next year those band members returning to school were merged with the other three junior high bands into one. |
Creator | Unknown |
Contributor | Threlkeld, M. K. |
Publisher | Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO) |
Subject | Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo) |
Subject | African American bands (music) -- Missouri -- Hannibal. |
Subject | Anderson, Patricia. |
Subject | Williams, Sue. |
Subject | Porter, Ada. |
Subject | Williams, Karen. |
Subject | Gibson, Osceola. |
Subject | Churchill, Clifford. |
Subject | Porter, Joseph. |
Subject | Hale, Gabriel. |
Subject | Dixon, Joe. |
Subject | Allison, Patricia. |
Subject | Campbell, Sonny. |
Subject | Green, Michael. |
Subject | Forte, Maurice. |
Subject | Demic, Perry. |
Subject | Gibson, Delores. |
Subject | Douglas, Maxine. |
Original Format | Photograph, black and white, 7" by 4 3/4". |
Digital Format | jpg |
Identifier | B7225 |