Title Formal Invitation to the Marriage of Miss Lizzie Narvels to Mr. Erastus Newberry
Date of Original 28 August 1890
Date of Digital 15 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO -  This is a wedding announcement from Mrs. Harriet Narvels regarding her daughter Lizzie's marriage to Mr. Erastus Newberry at the Eighth and Center Street Baptist Church.  The wedding is to be held in the evening on a Thursday.  This would be after most people's work day.  At that time Saturdays did not hold the significance as a day off as it does for many people today.
Creator Unknown
Contributor Chou, Steve.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Narvels, Lizzie.
Subject Narvels, Harriet, Mrs.
Subject Newberry, Erastus.
Subject African American weddings -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject African Americans -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject Eighth and Center Street Baptist Church (Hannibal, Mo.) -- Ceremonies.
Original Format Card, black and white, 4 1/2" by 3 1/2"
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7233