Title A Graduating Class of Douglass School
Date of Original Circa 1950-54
Date of Digital 15 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - This is a group of graduates from the Douglass School.  Although the actual year is unknown, it is believed to have been sometime in the 1950's.  Some members of the class have been tentatively identified as Juanita Griggsby, Eugene Harrison, William Lloyd Jackson, Merle Smith, Odessa Stewart, Jimmy Williams, and Janine Carter (in no particular order).
Creator Howell, Otis
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo.)
Subject Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo.) -- graduates.
Subject Griggsby, Juanita.
Subject Harrison, Eugene.
Subject Jackson, William Lloyd.
Subject Smith, Merle.
Subject Stewart, Odessa.
Subject Williams, Jimmy.
Subject Carter, Janine.
Subject High school graduations -- Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo.)
Original Format Photographic negative, 3 1/4" by 2 1/4".
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7247