Title Deane Bell in Milk Handling Room at a Dairy Farm in Perry, Mo.
Date of Original 16 January 1948
Date of Digital 15 November 2004
Description PERRY, MO - This picture from the Hannibal Courier-Post newspaper shows Diane Bell of Hannibal who cared for the dairy herd on the farm of Charles P. Gibb. "Before 6 o'clock each morning Mrs. Bell has the cows in the milking parlor.  In the afternoon it is her schedule to have the cows in the parlor by 4 o'clock and she is finished with the milking, handling the milk, and all, by 7 o'clock.
Creator Howell, Otis
Contributor Green, George and Katherine / Miller, Joe.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Bell, Diane.
Subject African American workers -- Missouri -- Perry.
Subject African American women -- Missouri -- Perry.
Original Format Newspaper article and picture
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7261