Title Newspaper Photograph and Caption Entitled "Where Aged Masons Receive Care"
Date of Original unknown
Date of Digital 13 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - This home, a two-story brick structure was on the north side of the Paris Gravel Road and was utilized in the care of people of African American descent in old age and infirmity. It was first proposed in the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge due to the efforts of James Milton Turner, an African American himself, who had entered the lodge in 1890.  When Turner died in 1915, he left the Home the amount of $1,000.  The Prince Hall Grand Lodge Masonic Home was dedicated on October 1, 1906 and was used until 1966.  
Creator Hannibal Courier-Post (Hannibal, MO)
Contributor Green, George and Katherine / Miller, Joe
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Prince Hall Masonic Lodge (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Turner, James Milton.
Subject African American civic leaders -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject African American Aged -- Missouri -- Hannibal -- Buildings.
Original Format Newspaper picture and caption.
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7269