Title Newspaper Article Entitled "Church Honors Reverend Powers He Has Touched Us All"
Date of Original 17 February 1988
Date of Digital 14 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - This article from the Hannibal Courier-Post honors Marion D. Powers, one of the African American community's most beloved members, in commemoration of his 85th birthday.  Rev. Powers graduated from Douglass School in 1922, going on to receive both a bachelors degree and a master degree from Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri.  He returned to Douglass as a teacher and taught for 33 years.  His calling also called him to minister, and he received his license to preach in 1953. 
Creator Hannibal Courier-Post (Hannibal, Mo.)
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Powers, Marian D.
Subject Eight and Center Street Baptist Church (Hannibal, Mo.)  -- Ministers.
Subject African American ministers -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject African American educators -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject Douglass School (Hannibal, Mo.) -- Faculty.
Original Format Newspaper article.
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7297