Title Newspaper Article and Photograph Entitled "Dr. Fox Elected Vice President of Lincoln Curators"
Date of Original 7 April 1949
Date of Digital 14 November 2004
Description HANNIBAL, MO - A. W. Fox was a prominent member of the African American community.  He graduated from Douglass School, going on to receive a medical degree at McHarry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee. In addition to his service to the citizens of Hannibal, Dr. Fox served on the board of curators of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Mo.
Creator Hannibal Courier-Post (Hannibal, Mo.)
Contributor Green, George and Katherine / Miller, Joe.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Fox, A. W.
Subject African American physicians -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Subject African American pharmacists -- Missouri -- Hannibal.
Original Format Newspaper article and picture.
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7302