Title Frances Maria "Frankie" (Lankford) JOHNSON
Date of Original Unknown
Date of Digital 22 November 2004

HANNIBAL, MO - Daughter of Philip "Phil" Anderson LANKFORD(1837-1907) and Nancy Ella (Johnson) LANKFORD (1836-1884), both of Potosi, Missouri, Frankie married Rev. Henry F. JOHNSON (1860-1924), of New Orleans, in Potosi, on 9 May 1882.  Frankie died in Columbia, Missouri; Henry died in Hannibal, while living at 204 N. 8th St.  Both are interred in Hannibal. Frankie's brother, considered "the Dean of African American architects," was John Anderson LANKFORD (1874-1946).  http://www.aaregistry.org/historic_events/view/john-lankford-architect

Frankie and Henry's children were:  John P. JOHNSON (dates unknown); Dr. Philip B. JOHNSON (1909-1950); Daisy Myrtle Lankford (Johnson) BROWN TINSLEY FOWLER (1883-1973); and Doshia O'Nina (Johnson) REDD (1885-1977).  The couple's children were born in Potosi.  Dr. Philip B. JOHNSON became a pharmacist in Danville, Illinois.  Daisy Myrtle Lankford (Johnson) BROWN TINSLEY FOWLER was teacher and a poet, publishing under the name, Daisy M. Lankford; she died in Hannibal.  Doshia O'Nina (Johnson) REDD was the wife of Rev. Ernest S. REDD, Sr., and the mother of John Roland REDD a.k.a. Korla Pandit, Frances REDD http://www.korlapandit.com/, and Ruth Lankford REDD; Doshia died in Los Angeles. 

Creator Unknown
Contributor Hall, Rhonda.  deClue, David.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Johnson, Frances "Frankie" Lankford, 1963-1932.
Subject Lankford, Philip "Phil" Anderson, 1837-1907..
Subject Lankford, Nancy Ella Johnson, 1836-1884.

Lankford, John Anderson, 1874-1946.

Subject Johnson, Henry F., 1860-1924.

Johnson, John P.

Subject Johnson, Philip B., 1909-1950.
Subject Fowler, Daisy Myrtle Lankford Johnson Brown Tinsley, 1883-1973.

Redd, Doshia O'Nina Johnson, 1885-1977.


Redd, Ernest S., 1883-1966.


Pandit, Korla, 1922-1998.

Subject Redd, John Roland, 1922-1998.

Redd, Frances.


Redd, Ruth Lankford.

Original Format Photograph, black and white, 5" by 7 1/2"
Digital Format jpg
Identifier B7325