Title The Second Christian Church, an African American Church
Date of Original 11 August 1933
Date of Digital 11 March 2005
Description HANNIBAL, MO - The Second Christian Church building was located at 1614-1618 Broadway.  The congregation was African American.  This was the second church building to stand on this sight.  The first was a small structure built in 1875.  It was torn down in 1917 , and the church building in the picture was begun.  This church building was razed in 1965 and the congregation became the Willow Street Christian Church and moved to 404 Willow Street.
Creator Herring Studio (Hannibal, Mo.)
Contributor Ballard, Allen.
Publisher Hannibal Free Public Library (Hannibal, MO)
Subject Second Christian Church (Hannibal, Mo.) -- Buildings.
Subject African American churches -- Missouri -- Hannibal  -- Buildings.
Original Format Photographic negative, black and white, 5" by 7".
Digital Format jpg
Identifier Ballard7