ILASCO, MO - Slovak weddings were not just
walking into the church, getting married and having a small
reception. The celebration of a Slovak wedding sometimes lasted
three days. Here is the wedding photograph of Stefan Simko and Anna
Krudy which took place at the Slovak Lutheran Church. The attendees
are identified, left to right, as follows : Row 1, Mary Babyak, Mildred
Viglasky, Anna Zivicky ; Row 2, Andy Babyak, Anna Stimel, George Sajban,
Ilka Betina, Stefan Simko (groom), Anna Krudy Simko (bride), John Krudy,
Anna Viglasky, unknown, Anna Hlasnik, and Anna Lendak ; Row 3, Andy Mikula,
Paul Viglasky, unknown, George Ukrop, John Kucera, Susan Hlasnik, unknown,
unknown and unknown ; Row 4, John Slancik, John Sajban, John Viglasky,
Jr., and John Viglasky, Sr. |