ILASCO, MO - Dr. Martin Luther Slovak
Evangelical Lutheran Church was an integral part of the lives of the
Slovak Lutherans living in Ilasco. This picture was taken in the
24th year of the Church's existence. After 1932 the Sunday School
was held in English rather than Slovak. Membership was already beginning
its slow decline as the young people left to attend schools of higher
learning. The participants are identified, from left to right, as follows
: row 1 - John Krudy, Martin Kisel, Daniel Polc, John Kisel, Paul Tretiak,
John Tretiak, Alex Rajt, John Ukrop, George Tretiak, George Valentik,
Gloria Vajda, Mary Ann Krudy, Helen Kisel, Anna Ukrop, Shirley Mikula,
Wilma Valach and Viola Valentik ; row 2 - Ben Heitman (teacher), Anna
Kisel, Helen Stimel, Helen Viglasky, Margaret Karabin, Anna Valach, Helen
Karabin, Mary Valach, Susan Tretiak, Anna Valentik, Ann Sunderlik,
Margaret Valach, Rosemary Mikula (? teacher), and Sue Kisel ; row 3 - Mary
Viglasky, Mary Stimel, (? teacher), Eunice Mikula, Louise Wichern
(teacher), Mary Mikula, Mildred Stimel, Wilma Viglasky, Anna Mikula, (?
teacher) ; row 4 - Joe Viglasky and John Viglasky ; row 5 - Steve Kisel,
Martin Balko, George Mikula. |