ILASCO, MO - This is the funeral of
John Bosani, Viglasky, one of the founders of the Dr. Martin Luther
Evangelical Lutheran Church, where this funeral was held. John had
immigrated to Ilasco in 1907, joined in 1908 by his wife Susie and their
two children, Paul and Anna. John was one of the many immigrant
quarry workers. The attendees at this funeral are identified, left
to right, as follows: row 1 (seated on ground) - Anna Luptak, Susan
Luptak, John Mojzis, and Mildred Viglasky (daughter) ; row 2 - Mary Herska
(partially seen on left), John Luptak, Anna Konopova, Mary Slezak, Mary
Babyak Mazolo, Maria Polc, Mary Mojzis, Mary Hustava, Anna Viglasky
(daughter), Paul Viglasky (son), Susan Viglasky (wife), John Viglasky, Jr.
(son), Stephan Polc, Matthew Gasko, Steve Valach, John Slancik, Mary
Slancik, John Slancik, George Besina, John Gazur, Maria Zivicky, Anna
Luptak, unknown, Mary Sunderlik, Steve Viglasky (son), George Zivichy,
John Kuzma, Reverend Juraj Majoros, Rev. ? Waltz, Eva Valach, John
Bozalka, Mary Chmelko, Steve Valentik, Steve, Tkacik, Anna Valentik and
Ilonka Karabin. |