World War I

The names on this list of Veterans are as they appear on the Marion County Veterans Memorial,
Central Park,
Hannibal, MO

A - C

Abbey, Humphrey L.

Abbott, Chester D.

Adams, George H.

Adams, Gilbert

Adams, Thomas

Ahland, Walter Wm.

Aldrich, Edward L.

Alex, William

Alexander, Robert C.

Alexander, Wm. M.

Alfred, William B.

Alls, Homer

Altheide, Lucas

Ambers, Wm. M.

Anderson, Clarence

Anderson, Eugene G.

Anderson, Jesse E.

Anderson, Paul

Anderson, William W.

Ardry, Joseph C.

Armstrong, Charles F.

Armstrong, Earl

Arnett, Cliff F.

Arnett, Evert

Arnold, Samuel E.

Arthur, Edward D.

Arthur, Howard A.

Arthur, Stephen J.

Augspurg, George

Austin, Howard L.

Austin, Nettie H.

Averill, Renich H.

Ayers, Carl E.

Ayers, Howard D.

Ayler, Jesse G.

Baily, Charles W.

Bailey, Paul M.

Bailey, Jefferson D.

Bainter, William

Bainter, James F.

Baker, Benjamin F.

Baker, Clarence E.

Baker, Gensis D.

Baker, Harold J.

Baker, Harry E.

Baker, Jesse J.

Baldwin, Aubrey L.

Ball, George H.

Ball, Raymond

Baniss, Benton

Banks, Garrard C.

Banks, Louis H.

Banta, Homer B.

Banta, Robert L.

Barbee, Gleason

Barber, George M.

Barr, Harold T.

Barr, Ralph

Barr, Thomas E.

Barrett, Carl F.

Barrett, Earl F.

Barrett, Harve E.

Bartram, Guilford D.

Bash, Delbert W.

Bassen, Fred C.

Bastian, Ira R.

Bastian, George

Bates, David L.

Bates, Eaf.

Bates, Hugh L.

Bates, Jerry T.

Bates, Sanford J.

Bates, Stephen

Baur, John A.

Bauernfiend, Bartholomew

Baxter, Wm. E.

Beal, Charles

Beal, Clarence E.

Beal, William D.

Beam, Jesse L.

Beam, William D.

Beardsley, Ray B.

Beasley, Curtis R.

Beck, Arthur A.

Becker, Edward H.

Beckman, Arthur Wm.

Bela, Kenneth G.

Bela, Verne V.

Bell , Chester V.

Bell , Earnest L.

Bellmeyer, Trummie W.

Bellsmith, Wayne L.

Bender, Clarence L.

Berry, Clarence E.

Berry, Francis F.

Bertier, Edgar C.

Beuttler, Frank

Bias, Alonza

Bibb, Fay H.

Bibb, Hyle F.

Bibb, Thomas W.

Bielsmith, Bryan L.

Bier, Edward J.

Biegelow, Benjamin

Billings, Warren F.

Billingsley, James E.

Bimson, George W.

Bird, Nicholas

Bird, Peter A.

Bird, Wesley, M

Bishop, John A.

Bixler, Roy G.

Blackburn, Guy R.

Blake, Peter T.

Bland, Wm. M.

Bledsoe, Frank B.

Bleigh, Thomas J.

Bloom, Anthony H.

Bloom, Harold J.

Bloom, Jacob

Blue, Thomas

Bode, Ernest H.

Bogart, James E.

Bohon, Harvey D.

Bohon, Ruben A.

Bohon, Warren E.

Bonham, Roy

Bonta, Estle

Bonte, John A.

Booker, Dick M.

Booth, Roy D.

Boren, Arthur

Bostwick, Karl C.

Bostwick, Wm. Lee

Boswell, Calvin

Bowden, Ernie

Bowe, Albert G.

Bowen, Clarence

Bowen, Joseph

Bower, Hal V.

Bounds, Frank J.

Bounds, James W.

Bourne, Adam W.

Bourne, Roscoe

Bouris, James V.

Boyd, Alega H.

Boyd, Ben

Boyd, Denman H.

Boyer, Clarence E.

Bradley, Orville L.

Brammer, Homer L.

Branch, James A.

Branham, George

Branstetter, Jean

Brashears, Edwin L.

Brashears, George W.

Brasselle, Benjamin

Braxton, Guy

Brewer, Bryan

Bridges, Elmer H.

Bridgwater, Bennett E.

Briggs, Charles

Brinkmeier, Edward

Briscoe, Earl E.

Briscoe, James E.

Briscoe, Orval B.

Brite, Frank W.

Brite, Norris

Brook, Charles Leo

Brooks, Harvey B.

Brooks, Roy J.

Bross, Harry C.

Bross, Howard C.

Bross, Paul E.

Broxton, George V.

Brown, Arthur H.

Brown, Charles Lee

Brown, Clarence

Brown, Elmo Harold

Brown, Frank M.

Brown, George A.

Brown, Ira C.

Brown, James B.

Brown, Marie

Brown, Roy A.

Brown, Thomas

Brown, Uriah H.

Brown, Walter Van

Brown, William E.

Brownell, Roy J.

Brummer, Norman E.

Bryan, Ralph

Bryant, William C.

Buckner, Otis

Buckner, Sylvester A.

Bull, John C.

Bullock, Matthew N.

Bumgardner, Earl J.

Bumgardner, Geo. A.

Bunch, Carroll H.

Bundy, Fred C.

Bundy, Gilbert

Buragianoponlos, Gust

Burch, Carl Park

Burgdon, Charles A.

Burgo, John

Burkhardt, George H.

Burkhardt, Wm.

Burkley, Charles Edw.

Burns, Roland T.

Burton, Clifford

Bush, George F.

Busey, Wm. Richard

Butler, Frank

Byrum, Morris K.

Cable, Wm. Alfred

Cain, Thomas H.

Calhoun, Sherman

Calvert, Gaberiel C.

Calvert, Wardie

Calvert, Wm. B.

Calys, George

Cameron, Archibald K.

Cameron, George L.

Campbell, Arthur

Campbell, Eugene

Campbell, Walter R.

Canella, Michael J.

Carey, Frank E.

Carlile, LeRoy R.

Carlstead, Forrest G.

Carpenter, Raymond W.

Carr, Charles

Carro, Charles

Carroll, Albert S.

Carroll, George R.

Carroll, Paul

Carrott, John Wm.

Carson, Elmer J.

Carstarphen, Harry

Carter, Charley

Carter, James A.

Carter, James G.

Carter, Robert

Carter, Thomas B.

Cary, Ellis

Cass, Devere

Cashman, James H.

Caster, Oliver O.

Caswell, Ryol W.

Cawthon, Donno L.

Chapman, Cecil R.

Chapman, George C.

Chapman, Lyle

Charman, Edward

Chatfield, Earl R.

Chilton, Jackson V.

Chinn, Richard L.

Chord, Arthur S.

Chouinard, Alexander W.

Christ, Frank H.

Christ, Fred John

Christian, Rufus E.

Churchill, Emmet C.

Cirricione, Jos. M.

Clancy, George L.

Clark, Benjamin F.

Clark, Carl

Clark, Charles H.

Clark, Cleveland

Clark, Fred Marion

Clark, Racine

Clark, Wm. Bryan

Clayton, Geo. D. Jr.

Clayton, Robert M.

Clifton , Clyde

Clifton, Earl W.

Cline, Wm. R.

Clinkscales, Eugene

Clutch, Ernest

Coates, Harry M.

Cobb, Estel

Colborn, Floyd N.

Cole, Arthur

Cole, Fred O.

Cole, Wm. T.

Coleman, John Wm.

Coleman, Jos. T.

Coleman, Roy N.

Colley, Charles F.

Collins, Cornelius J.

Collins, Thomas Jos.

Collins, Walter F.

Colvin, Cecil C.

Conner, Harold

Cook, John

Cook, John L.

Coontz, Robert Edw.

Cooper, James F.

Cooper, Vincent

Corder, Roberta Lee

Cornelius, Arthur D.

Cornell, Lloyd Dick

Cort, Homer Dudley

Coward, Willie

Cowden, Edward O.

Cox, Enes L.

Crain, Everett H.

Crain, George L.

Crane, Arthur R.

Crane, Henderson M.

Crane, Herman L.

Crane, Kenneth O.

Crane, Perry Louis

Crane, Ray W.

Crane, Russell L.

Craw, Edward J.

Craw, James H.

Craw, Preston W.

Craw, Russell

Crawe, Fred

Crenshaw, Frank T.

Crossan, Edward Ray

Culbertson, Francis B.

Culbertson, Roy J.

Culler, George E.

Culp, Henry F.

Cunningham, Edward E.

Curtis, Lee

Curtis, Samuel D.


D - H

Darley, Wm. H.

Davies, George W.

Davis, Arthur F.

Davis, Eldridge F.

Davis, George H.

Davis, Harold Lewis

Davis, Jerome

Davis, Julius A.

Davis, Leo

Davis, Lloyd

Davis, Scott

Davidson, Roy E.

Dealey, Frank J.

Dearing, Earl

Dearing, Stephen L.

DeFrates, Edward M.

Delaporte, John Chas.

Delaporte, Leon E.

Dellette, Waldon

DeLong, Albert B.

DeLong, Leo M.

DeLong, Richard C.

Denkler, Bernard J.

Denkler, Martin F.

Dennis, Frank B.

Dennison, Ben

Dennison, Charles

Dennison, Floyd E.

Derouse, Leo A.

Derouse, Paul J.

DeSong, Albert B.

Detweiler, Andrew J.

Dickensheets, Harley W.

Dickson, Charles H.

Dickson, George A.

Dickson, Wm. C.

Diel, Edward Otto

Diemer, Wm. Alven

Dillman, Wm. Roy

Dixon, Wm. L.

Dodds, Clinton P.

Dodds, John W.

Dolan, Carleton M.

Donaldson, Jesse A.

Donelson, George R.

Donley, David

Donley, Vandell W.

Dooley, Bryan C.

Doolin, Charley

Dopp, Ira F.

Drake, Stephen A.

Drescher, Edwin L.

Dryden, George S.

Dudley, James R.

Dukes, Clarence W.

Dumbauld, Arthur W.

Dunbar, Arthur J.

Dungan, Raymond L.

Dunkin, George R.

Durham, Floyd L.

Durst, Palmyra

Dwyer, Arserow B.

Dyke, Clarence


Edley, Abel R.

Eales, Feran K.

Earley, Eddie L.

Eddings, Britt F.

Edmiston, Benjamin F.

Edwards, George W.

Edwards, Jos. W.

Effertz, Edward P.

Egelston, Edgar D.

Egelston, George D.

Ehret, Seraphine

Eisenhuth, Edmund A.

Elgin, George F.

Elgin, Lee

Elledge, Eldon W.

Elliott, Lee Ray

Ellis, Joy R.

Ellis, Steve

Ellison, Elmer

Enslen, Joseph H.

Enslen, Roscoe

Ensminger, Erven

Epker, Fred W.

Epley, Lester E.

Epley, Roy H.

Erickson, Earl A.

Evans, Cecil R.

Evans, Charles R.

Evans, Kenneth W.

Ewing , Percy Eber

Francher, Virgil E.

Farr, Emmett H.

Farrell, John Jos.

Farrell, Perry L.

Farrell, Virgil H.

Fasher, Carl T.

Faulconer, Wm. H.

Feaster, Thomas E.

Fessenden, John T. Jr.

Fette, David Victor

Finch, Frank H.

Finch, Albert L.

Fink, Franklin

Fink, John E. G.

Fisher, George Cecil

Fisher, Harold W.

Fitzgerald, Maurice T.

Fitzgerald, John B.

Fletcher, Arnold B.

Flick, Forest R.

Flood, Francis Robert

Floria, Arthur B.

Flowers, Henry

Foerstner, George C.

Fogle, Russell H.

Foley, Edward

Foley, George

Forrest, Arthur J.

Forrest, Wm. O. F.

Foss, Clause M.

Foster, Cecil J.

Foster, Clyde D.

Foster, Herbert L.

Foster, Phillip Robt.

Foster, Russell

Francis, James H.

Frankenback, Edwin F. C.

Franklin, Marley

Frazer, Edwin H.

Frazier, Edgar E.

Frederick, Eddie T.

Fredericks, Marion L.

Friason, William O.

Freidank, Bernard W.

French, Louis Roy

Fry, Charles W.


Gaines, Wilfred R.

Gallahor, Edwin T.

Gammel, Henry E.

Gardhouse, Harold L.

Gardner, Edgar W.

Gaskill, James F.

Gatts, William P.

Gaugh, Raymond Leo

Gearhart, Charles R.

George, Abner K.

Gerlemann, Robert E.

Gettler, Carl A.

Gettler, Warren R.

Gibbons, Everett V.

Gibbons, Theron C.

Gibbs, Addison B.

Gibbs, Jesse

Gibson, Richard S.

Gibson, Robert H.

Giest, Alfred

Giest, Andrew A.

Gilkinson, Wm. W.

Gillam, Zaner B.

Gillis, Everett C.

Givan, James L.

Givan, Raymond

Givens, Pearl

Glahn, Milton J.

Glascock, Anthony P.

Glascock, Delph

Gleason, Leslie J.

Glen, Paul

Goe, Frank

Goldman, Albert E.

Goodwin, George

Gones, Alfred G.

Gore, Paul W.

Gorton, Arthur R.

Gorton, Lloyd E.

Gould, Jesse R.

Grace, Charles Wm.

Grace, George S.

Gray, Fred Harry

Gray, Grover C.

Gray, Montie E.

Green, Ammon

Green, Clarence W.

Green, Elijah

Green, Emmette D.

Green, Joseph

Green, Lloyd G.

Green, Wm. Chester

Greening, John A.

Greenville, James F.

Greer, Joney W.

Gregory, Jeff R.

Gregory, Perry F.

Gregory, Walter H.

Gregory, Walter T.

Grey, Oscar

Griffie, Charlie

Griffin, Jesse Wm.

Griggs, Walter M.

Groene, Henry C.

Groff, Oley O.

Groth, Karl W.

Grove, Wm. Chas.

Grubb, Charles

Guenther, Harry E.

Gunita, Joe

Hadley, Dewey H.

Hadley, Floyd

Hadley, Lloyd

Hafner, Daniel H.

Hafner, Frank E.

Hagan, Allen J.

Hage , D Mon 

Hager, John

Hagerman, Wm. F.

Haley, Michael M

Hall , Clarence

Hall , Oscar

Hammack, Wesley J.

Hancock, Robert G.

Handle, George F.

Hankins, Virgil T.

Harbicht, Harlen C.

Hard, Harry L.

Hard, James

Hard, Ray C.

Hardesty, Joel Wise

Hardin, Ernest

Hardy, John Wm.

Hardy, Thomas L.

Harper, Clifford A.

Harris, Earl

Harris, James

Harris, Joseph W.

Harris, Leo N.

Harrison, Roy

Harrison, Wm. B.

Harrow, Clifford W.

Harsell, Robert E.

Hartsock, Arthur R.

Harvey, Frank W.

Hassen, Farres

Hastings, Louis A.

Hathaway, John S.

Hatten, Henry B.

Hawkins, Elmer J.

Hawkins, George C.

Hawkins, Louis S.

Hayden, Roy W.

Hayes, Ellwood

Hayes, Owen W.

Haynie, Chester W.

Hays, Wm. C.

Heaton, Charles E.

Hedger, Edmond Earl

Hedges, Floyd V.

Heidbreder, Bernhard H.

Heidbreder, Wm. A.

Heilman, James G.

Heilwagon, Albert Leon

Heinze, Frank C.

Heinze, Harold H.

Helwig, Ernest H.

Henderson, French

Henderson, Garland John

Henderson, Roy Wesley

Henderson, Samuel

Hendricks, James R.

Hendricks, James Ross

Hennessy, Joseph D.

Herl, Joseph Wm.

Herlinger, Wm. F.

Herring, Harry A.

Hershey, John M.

Hershey, Paul

Herzog, Robert D.

Heskett, Louis A.

Heskett, Raymond H.

Hickerson, Roy C.

Hicks, Everette G.

Hill, Frank L.

Hillyer, Henry H.

Hirner, Ernest U.

Hobeck, John Glenn

Hodgdon, Frank T. Jr.

Hodson, Fred B.

Hoelett, Harry

Hofbauer, Homer E.

Hogg, Robert V.

Hogge, Estil

Hoke, Charles D.

Holderoft, Hamilton S.

Holdsworth, Ernest M.

Hollenbeak, Henry N.

Holliday, James A.

Holmes, Vincent

Holmes, Walter J.

Homer, Banta Bryon

Hooper, Homer V.

Hoover, Oliver J.

Horback, George A.

Houseman, Elmer L.

Houtz, Edward A.

Howard, Nathaniel L.

Howell, Benjamin H.

Howell, Vivian Maude

Howlett, Harry

Howarth, Clarence

Hubbard, Alvin H.

Hubbard, Ulysses L.

Huffman, Wyley M.

Hufty, Donald T.

Hughes, Andrew V.

Hughes, Gordon C.

Hughes, Willard B.

Hulett, Howard

Hull, John H.

Hull, Riley

Hulse, Fred B.

Hunt , Leon

Hunter, Noble

Hunter, Oliver

Hurley, Jesse C.

Hurt, Alvin P.

Hurt, Hubert C.

Huser, Alvin P.

Huser, Joseph M.

Hutcherson, Willis B.

Hutchison, Hartley B.

Hutchison, Wellington M.


I - N

Idle, Ruby Ethel

Ihrig, Elmer E.

Ihrig, John A.

Isbister, Robert W.

Jackson, Paul Leland

Jackson, Wm. Chas.

Jackson, William

Jackson, Wm. Payne

Jacobs, Olie Ben

Jacobsmeyer, John E.

James, Harry D.

James, Orville D.

James, Paul

Janes, Felix M.

Jefferies, John Gray

Jehu, Howard Dean

Johnson, Axel E.

Johnson, Clarke S.

Johnson, Julius

Johnson, Samuel

Johnson, Virgil

Johnson, William

Johnson, Willie

Johnston, Hartzell L.

Johnston, Hulen E.

Jones, Atlee C.

Jones, Coleman W.

Jones, Howard

Jones, Paul H.

Jones, Roy S.

Jones, Troy

Jordan, Jesse J.

Jordan, Raymond J.

Jordan, Robert S.

Joseph, Albert

Joseph, Sam K.

Koestner, Egmont F.

Kahl, William H.

Kaiser, Arthur F.

Kanalery, James F.

Kanaley, James W.

Kanaley, Thomas C.

Kanan, Frank F.

Kane, Ralph

Karakatanis, Stamatis

Kawlaski, Henry

Keith, Claud T.

Keith, Samuel G.

Keller, Alois L.

Keller, Logan H.

Kelley, J. Howard Jr.

Kendrick, Harry F.

Kenning, Russel H.

Kern, Samuel B.

Kespohl, Charles F.

Kessler, Herbert H.

Kiese, George E.

Kilby, Henry B.

Kimmel, Henry K.

Kinder, Henry C.

King, Loyd W.

King, Henry J.

King, Kenneth League

King, William A.

King, William F.

King, Wm. Joseph

Kinsey, Arthur S.

Knoebel, Walter Hugo

Knox , Leon

Koch, Henry C.

Koch, Hugo E.

Koch, Oscar

Koob, Henry J.

Kornder, Otto

Kornder, George

Kramer, Edward H.

Kreider, Jesse B.

Kriegbaum, Hubert E.

Krigbaum, Carl

Krigbaum, Clyde H.

Krigbaum, Dock

Krigbaum, Frank A.

Kroeger, Alfred H.

Krull, James S.

Kuhen, Leonard Jos.

Kuhn, Wm. John

Kuhlman, Roy

Kuzian, Frank

Labate, Loroto

Lacy, Arthur L.

Lafferty, Earl C.

LaFoe, Thomas C.

Lair, Gideon T.

Lake, Stephen

Lalek, Stanley

Lambertz, Arnold M.

Lamey, Thomas F.

Laming, Charles A.

Lampton, Cyril B.

Landis, Harry R.

Lane, George

Langan, Joseph M.

Lankford, John M.

Laratta, Giuseppe

Larson, John

Larue, James F.

Laswell, Charles W.

Latham, Henry H.

Lavoo, Arthur

Lavoo, Norman H.

Lavoo, Stanley R.

Lawler, Homer

Lawrence, Martin L.

Lawson, Jessie

Lear, Cyrus P.

Lease, Harold R.

Leaseman, Daniel

Leavy, Timothy

Lee, Earnest

Lee, Frank

Lee, Greenleaf W.

Lee, Mosen Lasley

Lee, Walter

Lefever, George B.

Lefever, Henry T.

Leggett, Charles L.

Leggett, Walter H.

Lennon, Emmett P.

Leonard, Raymond

Lewellen, Dick B.

Lewis, George B.

Lewis, Roy H.

Lidgard, Earl

Lilly, Ross Edward

Lindstrom, Charles F.

Little, Fred Lee

Lock, Ninies R.

Logan, Charley

Logan, Roscoe C.

Logan, William S.

Long, Lloyd D.

Long, Harry J.

Long, William H.

Losson, Gerald F.

Lott, Joseph

Louck, Harry S.

Love, William W.

Lowe, George O.

Lowe, Ray

Lubbering, Charles W.

Lubbering, Ernest J.

Lubbering, John Jos.

Luckett, Ira

Lundberg, Elmer D.

Lundberg, Louanna L.

Luther, Wm. S.

Luts, Roy A.

Lutz, Floyd

Lyon, Everett L.


MacLane, Earl A.

Maddox, Harry W.

Maddox, Lloyd

Mahaffey, Peirce R.

Mahanna, Edward A.

Mahoney, Dennis M.

Mahoney, Lawrence A.

Mahoney, Paul E.

Mahsmann, Wm. A.

Maiden, Claude N.

Mainland, Leslie J.

Mainland, Sinclair

Major, William L.

Malia, Wm. Bernard

Manard, Burla Garter

Mangel, James T.

Maple, Jess J.

Marshall, George E.

Marshall, Harry

Marshall, James

Marshall, Ralson

Marshall, Willard

Marshall, William

Marshall, Charlill R.

Martin, Claude E.

Martin, Drexel H.

Martin, Lewis

Martin, Louis

Martin, Norman Lee

Martin, Onie

Mason, Albert J.

Mason, Emmett

Masters, Mansford W.

Masterson, Omer Day

Matthews, Clarence H.

Mayes, Bailey H.

Mayes, Everett E.

McAdams, William

McArthur, Alex

McArthur, Donald R.

McArthur, James L.

McCabe, Charles J.

McCann, Charley E.

McCann, George L.

McCann, Harry O.

McCarthy, James

McCartney, Alfred L.

McCartney, Charles E.

McCarty, Henry Odus

McCarver, Lonnie

McChristy, Clarence E.

McCleary, John W.

McClennan, Roy Ednor

McClenning, Alvis D.

McCormack, Howard W.

McCruden, William

McCune, Wm. Floyd

McDermott, Joseph E.

McDonald, Frank Rufus

McDonald, Wm. H.

McDougall, Archie C.

McElheran, James J.

McEowen, Joseph P.

McFarlin, Leo

McGee, Jesse N.

McGoerge, Ernest H.

McGilton, Thomas Wm.

McGlasson, John B.

McGlaughlin, Everett

McGlone, Stephen A.

McKamey, Raymond O.

McKay, Bernard L.

McKee, Elzia

McKey, Howard E.

McLain, Harry Lee

McLaughlin, John M.

McMasters, William R.

McNamara, Ernest

McNulty, Edward P.

McNulty, Fred Joseph

McNutt, Geo. Raymond

McPike, Arthur S.

McPike, George

McPike, Marion J.

McPike, Wm. F.

McRae, Marquis R.

Meace, Lonnie

Meeker, William R.

Megown, Paul

Meloney, Clarence J.

Mette, Reimund John

Meyer, Cyrus F.

Meyer, William S.

Michel, Edwin T.

Mickey, James K.

Miles, Myron Edson

Miller, Aleigh B.

Miller, Fred F.

Miller, George

Miller, Howard J.

Miller, John W.

Miller, Joseph R.

Miller, Leo E.

Miller, Louis F.

Miller, Ludwig C.

Miller, Nathaniel

Miller, Robroy

Miller, Thomas H.

Mills, Loren Martin

Mills, Raymond F.

Miner, Oliver

Mines, Louis W.

Minor, Albert B.

Minor, Henry G.

Minor, Thomas R.

Mitchell, George L.

Monach, Andrew

Monroe, Ernest E.

Moody, Charles A.

Moody, Hugh A.

Moore, Archie

Moore, Charley E.

Moore, Harry J.

Moore, Herschell E.

Moore, John J.

Moore, Lloyd W.

Moore, Robert

Moorehead, Ray E.

Morgan, Pearl W.

Morris, Harry L.

Morrissey, James Jos.

Moss, Carroll L.

Moss, Leroy

Moxley, Alvia J.

Moxley, Earl J.

Mulhern, Joe

Mulvihill, Arthur J.

Munsel, Harry

Murphy, Eddie

Murphy, Edwin L.

Murphy, Louis

Murray, Roy

Myers, Raleigh

Nance, Samuel J.

Nance, Wm. Oliver

Neale, Wm. B.

Neeper, Harry S.

Neff, Harry B.

Nelson, John M.

Nelson, Louis F. Jr.

Nelson, Nels T.

Nerlich, Charles C.

Newberry, Lois L.

Newberry, Russell F.

Nichols, John S.

Niclotti, Dominic

Nielsen, Harold T.

Nill, Emil G.

Nix, Walter L.

Nixon, Gullie R.

Noble, Marion T.

Noel, Guy Nelson

Nolen, John Wm.

Nolen, Wm. A.

Nolin, Henry H.

Nunes, Emuel


O - S

O’Brien, Earl R.

O’ Brien, Thomas F.

O’Connor, James D.

O’Donnell, Lewis A.

Ogle, Douglas L. W.

O’Hearn, George E.

O’Keefe, Charles D.

O’Keefe, Daniel A.

O’Malley, John P.

Orr, Ernest McK.

Ostendorf, Henry

Ostendorf, John B.

Osterhold, Joseph B.

Owens, Clyde R.

Owens, Fisher

Owens, Jack

Owsley, James E.

Owsley, Thomas E.

Painter, Roy S.

Papagiannopoulas, I. C.

Pappas, John

Paradise, Alfred J.

Parish, Moses D.

Parker, Howard S.

Parsons, George A.

Patrick, Wm. L.

Paugh, Harold O.

Paul, Russell B.

Paulus, Lester W.

Paxon, Charles Evan

Paxton, Francis M.

Payne, Daniel G.

Payne, Fred R.

Paynter, James R.

Pelsue, Felix

Pennewell, Ollie L.

Pepper, Herbert C.

Perkins, Orvill

Perkins, Robert W.

Pernis, Morris

Peterson, Harold E.

Petter, Clarence J.

Pettitt, Harvey R.

Phillips, Claude R.

Phillips, Clifford

Phillips, Guy Wendell

Phillips, Russell J.

Plymate, Warren

Pickett, Irving L.

Pierce, Charles

Pierceall, Jos. B.

Pike, John R.

Pike, Valentine B.

Pinkard, Ralph

Piper, Clifford

Piper, Lawrence M.

Poage, Walter R.

Pobrenzy, Peter

Pollard, Cash B.

Pollard, Roy B.

Pollman, Paul W.

Porter, Randolph

Porter, William B.

Porter, William D.

Potts, Lewis S.

Powell, David H.

Powell, George

Powell, Lionel H.

Powell, Odus

Price, Daniel D.

Price, Ralph L.

Price, William

Primm, Roy L.

Proffit, Francis C.

Pulliam, Albert F.

Pults, Rally Simon

Purdy, Harry A.

Quattrocchi, Frank

Quattrocchi, Salvadore

Queen, Manzilla M.

Quest, Arnold L.

Quimby, Elwood R.

Quinlin, Jerry L.

Quirk, Louis Hugh

Raatz, Gustave F.

Race, Leland D.

Radon, Charles L.

Ragan, Adrain C.

Ragar, Clifton H.

Ragar, Earl L.

Ragar, Vernon D.

Raible, Jos. C. Jr.

Raithel, Martin E.

Ratliff, Earl H.

Ravenscraft, Alexander

Ravenscraft, Elbert C.

Ray, Edgar E.

Ray, Harlan Dean

Redman, Richard Edgar

Reid, Covey E.

Reid, James H.

Reilly, Mayme Helen

Renner, Earl M.

Renner, Floyd R.

Renner, Fred

Rhodes, Hezekiah

Rhodes, Ursa Lee

Richard, Leo

Richards, Wesley

Richardson, Gerald L.

Richardson, Scott J.

Richart, Daniel P.

Richmond, Charles

Richmond, Wendell

Rickerson, Oscar F.

Riegel, Orval B.

Rife, Cecil F.

Rigg, George L.

Riggs, Darrel B.

Rigler, Raymond J.

Riley, Ernest

Riley, George I.

Riley, Harry E.

Riley, Joshua W.

Riley, Paul

Riordan, John F.

Riordan, Lawrence M.

Roach, Delbert B.

Roach, Ira Roy

Robb, Ashel

Robb, Cecil

Roberts, Bernie F.

Roberts, Paul H.

Roberts, Wm. T.

Robertson, Irwin B.

Robinson, Arthur P.

Robinson, Goldie

Robinson, Loren Earl

Robinson, John G.

Robinson, Wm. D.

Robinson, Willie D.

Robison, Harry G.

Roby, Charles N.

Roby, Robert R.

Rodgers, James E.

Roesler, Paul

Rogers, David

Rogers, Lloyd S.

Rogers, Raymond

Rogers, Russel C.

Rohs, Charles

Roland, Ben Jacob

Roland, Claude

Roland, John E.

Roland, Wm. E.

Rolf, Clara

Rolland, Homer

Rolland, Ruick S.

Roselle, Thomas A.

Roth, Arthur J.

Rothweiler, Bryon B.

Rothweiler, Joseph J.

Rothweiler, Wm. J.

Rouff, Eugene F.

Rouse, Lonnie R.

Routon, Ida M.

Rubenstein, Stanley

Rubison, Howard C.

Rubison, Leonard F.

Rubison, Richard R. Jr.

Rummans, Roy

Ruoff, Albert N.

Rupert, Harry L.

Rupp, Henry J.

Rupp, John

Ryan, Carl Leo

Ryan, James Thomas

Ryan, Lee H.

Sackwitz, Oscar

Safady, Joseph S.

Saleares, Geo. N.

Salliaris, Louis

Salyer, Grover C.

Salyer, Harry M.

Sanders, Earnest

Sanders, James H.

Sapan, John F.

Saunders, Ralph A.

Scaggs, Albert

Schaeffer, Herman H.

Schaeffer, Edward J.

Schaeffer, Robert H.

Schaller, Henry Paul

Schanbacher, Carl F.

Scheineman, August J.

Scheineman, F. Wm.

Scheiner, Leo V.

Scherer, Wm. F.

Schleiermacher, Carl C.

Schlovohm, John

Schmidt, Carl S.

Schmidt, Edward C.

Schmidt, W. F.

Schneider, Harry E.

Schnitzlein, Harold D.

Schofield, Jack

Schroder, Roy L.

Schultz, Arthur Jos.

Schultz, Lawrence J.

Schutz, Charles L.

Schwartz, Cecil E.

Schwarzburg, Elmer J.

Schwarzburg, Fred O.

Schweitzer, Henry A.

Scobee, Robert A.

Scott, George M.

Scott, Harold D.

Scott, Kenneth A.

Scott, Leo R.

Scott, Wilbur J.

Severs, Carson

Seibel, Frank W.

Settles, Edgar L.

Settles, Oscar L.

Sexton, James F.

Shackleford, Earl H.

Shackleford, Howard J.

Shannon, Harvey

Sharp, Chester

Shaw, William M.

Shay, Conner Pearl

Shay, Charlie White

Shelton , Nina Irene

Shepard, Roy E.

Shepherd, Wilbur

Shields, Bernard M.

Shields, Emmette J.

Shortridge, Kenneth D.

Shuck, John D.

Shulse, John M.

Siedler, Warren A.

Sigler, Bryan

Simmerland, John A.

Simms, Ernest Z.

Simms, Joseph D.

Simon, John R.

Simpson, William

Slates, Charles H.

Slaughter, Albert

Slayton, Ollie N.

Smallwood, Douglass J.

Smarr, Harry L.

Smarr, Robert W.

Smiley, David A.

Smith, Alson F.

Smith, Charles E.

Smith, Clarence

Smith, Clyde C.

Smith, Edgar P.

Smith, Emmett O.

Smith, Ervin John

Smith, James L.

Smith, Melvin N.

Smith, Norbert J.

Smith, Ora E.

Smith, Oscar J.

Smith, Roy T.

Smith, Stephen S.

Smith, Thomas F.

Smith, Vivian

Smith, Wm. C.

Smith, Wm. Thomas

Smoot, Elery S.

Smoot, Marion B.

Smoot, Robert D.

Smoot, Urcil W.

Smythe, John A.

Snodgrass, Jessie E.

Snodgrass, John H.

Snyder, Frank C.

Sohn, George F. Jr.

Sonner, Earl

Sory, Eugene M.

Sosey, Donald H.

South, Henry C.

Sparks, Lee

Sparrow, George

Spath, Leo A.

Spaulding, James A.

Spencer, Frederick B.

Spencer, Melvin C.

Standley, George W.

Standley, Troy E.

Stanley, Dora A.

Stark, Henry T.

St. Clair, George C.

Stephenson, Lloyd

Stergiatis, Stelion

Sterling, Fred C.

Sterne, Foley K.

Stevens, Floyd S.

Steward (Stewart), Ben W.

Stewart, Joe

Stewart, William C.

Stewart, Wm. Robt.

Stillions, Dorian A.

Stillions, Robert H.

Stillwell, John David

Stillwell, John H.

Stolle, Julius M.

Stone, Archibald R.

Stone, Jesse C.

Stoops, Hugh George

Storrs, George W.

Storrs, Stuart E.

Stout, Carey Cole

Stout, Claude O.

Stout, Henry H.

Stringham, Louis B.

Strong, Chester C.

Strothers, Wm. A.

Strube, Henry B.

Stuhlman, Edward T.

Stuhlman, Harold Edw.

Surbeck , Israel

Sughru, Daniel J.

Sullivan, Jerry Jos.

Sultsman, Francis H.

Sultsman, Walter C.

Summers, Claud

Summers, George

Summy, Jonas W.

Swan, Carl M.

Swearingen, James B.

Swope, Oscar R.

Sydney , H. M.

Sydney, Philip

Syrcle, Floyd T.


T - Z

Talton, Harry J.

Tankard, James A.

Tate, Rex Joshua

Taxman, Abe B.

Taylor, Charles Edw.

Taylor, Louis L.

Taylor, Mayme R.

Taylor, Raymond

Taylor, Robert

Taylor, Winston E.

Temple, James H.

Terrill, Wilson L.

Theobold, Mark

Thomas, Arthur

Thomas, Frank

Thomas, Wm. F.

Thompson, Fred

Thompson, James C. Jr.

Thompson, James G.

Thompson, John R.

Thompson, Oscar L.

Tippy, Jack Oren

Toalson, Ernest B.

Tobin, Carl

Todd, Glen Deryl

Todd, Harold V.

Todd, Roy W.

Tomlinson, Herbert W.

Tomlinson, Ralph

Totsch, Edward A.

Totsch, James W.

Treat, Cornelius P.

Tribble, Billie

Tribble, Emmet A.

Triplett, Clara Sarah

Triplett, Frank O. T.

Troppmann, George C.

Trout, Louis H.

Trower, Roy A.

Troy , Ural

Trumbo, Arthur

Tucker, Jacob H.

Tucker, Oscar Louis

Tugenhaft, Harry

Turner, Alvin

Turner, Chester S.

Turner, Geo. W.

Turner, Ralph H.

Turner, Roscoe

Turner, Russell D.

Turpin, James H.

Tynes, Robert H.

Uppinghouse, Cleon

Utterback, Albert E.

Vahrenberg, Otto

Valentine, Charles Wm.

Vallbracht, Lawrence J.

Vandament, Alva Eugene

Vandament, Chester Wm.

Vandament, Harold W.

Van Houten, George W.

Vannice, Elmer

Vark, William F.

Vassen, John

Via, Melvin B.

Vogt, Henry J.

Waddell, George R.

Wade, Edward M.

Wade, William D.

Waite, George W.

Walden, Estle L.

Walden, James L.

Waldo, Elmer E.

Walker, Fergus Jos.

Walker, Frank L.

Walker, John H.

Walker, Leo F.

Walker, Thomas C.

Waller, Claude L.

Waller, Wm. T.

Walters, Paul W.

Walterscheid, Herman J.

Waltz, James T.

Waltz, Roy E.

Ward, Ernest

Ward, Fred H.

Warner, Arthur J.

Warner, Charles E.

Warren, Eugene

Warren, Leona P.

Washington, Wm. H.

Wasson, Lafayette R.

Watson , Berry B.

Watson, Frank A.

Waters, Thomas R.

Watters, Edith M.

Watters, Myrtle

Watters, Sidney T. E.

Wayne, Beauford T.

Webb, Charles E.

Webb, Charles R.

Webb, James R.

Webb, Roscoe

Weber, Fred Ludwig

Webster, Emmet A.

Wehmeyer, Ernest H.

Welton, Harry

Weseman, Sydney E.

West, Floyd E.

West, Harvey

West, John W.

Wheeler, Harry A.

Whisle, Owen C.

Whisler, Charles R.

Whitaker, Ernest

Whitecomb, Lawrence R.

Whitcomb, Lennie W.

White, Cain A.

White, Charles H.

White, Cyrus A.

White, Guy B.

White, Howard D.

White, James G.

White, William F.

Whitlock, James C.

Whitlock, Wm. T.

Whitworth, James E.

Whitworth, Joseph H.

Widebrook, Ira M.

Wiggins, Joit A.

Wiggs, John Wm.

Wilber, Raymond W.

Wilburn, Milton

Wilcox, Owen R.

Wilcox, William

Wilcoxen, Thomas M.

Wildman, Carl C.

Wilkerson, Grant

Wilkerson, Voley D.

Wilkins, Ivan P.

Willerton, James

Willett, Francis

Willett, Robert N.

Willey, Ira F.

Willey, Milton Edw.

Williams, Charles T.

Williams, Henry

Williams, Henry H.

Williams, John P.

Williams, Robert W.

Williams, Warren John

Williams, William

Williamson, Henry L.

Williamson, Russell L.

Willis, Basil

Wilson, Arthur M.

Wilson, George

Wilson, Gerald

Wilson, James M.

Wilson, John

Wilson, Joseph O.

Wilson, Maceo A.

Wilson, Marshall R.

Wilson, McKinley

Wilton, Otis N.

Winegar, Benjamin C.

Winn, Clinton L.

Winner, Jesse B.

Winters, Harvey Lee

Wirt, Herbert

Wiseman, Willie F.

Withers, James E.

Withers, John Edw.

Withrow, James B.

Wood, Harry

Wood, Raymond E.

Woodall, Harrison

Woods, Clyde

Woods, Earl D.

Woodyard, James W.

Woodyard, Wesley M.

Woolf, Benjamin M.

Woolsonoroft, Robert J.

Wooten, Archie M.

Worley, William U.

Wright, Arthur H.

Wright, Elwood C.

Wright, Roy L.

Wright, Russell

Wright, Walter

Wright, William S.

Yager, Thomas E.

Yarbrough, Ernest E.

Yargus, Ernest D.

Yheulon, Harry

Yochum, Daniel E.

Yochum, Ernest H.

Yochum, John G.

Yost, Clifford C.

Young, Albert

Young, Arthur W.

Young, Clyde Hawkins

Young, Harrison R.

Young, Leland R.

Young, Roy

Youse, William H.