Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 9, 2010
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:10 p.m., on Monday, August 9, 2010, in the Woman’s Club Room of the Library. Present were President Becky Steffa Vice President Jeanie Powers, Treasurer Amber Baxter, and Board Members Pam Ginsberg, Jeanie Powers, and Mike Scholes (4:40 p.m.). Also present were John Stadsvold of F&M Bank & Trust and Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
Board President Becky Steffa called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. The agenda was modified, deleting item 12E since it duplicated item 11B.
The Board welcomed returning Officers, President Becky Steffa, Vice President
Jeanie Powers, Treasurer Amber Baxter, and Secretary Marjorie Coleman.
Becky Steffa administered the oath of office to Amber Baxter and
installed her as Board Treasurer.
The other Officers were installed at the meeting of July 13, 2009.
Moved by Amber and supported by Jeanie to approve the Minutes of June 14, 2010,
and the Minutes of the no quorum meeting of July 12, 2010.
Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Krystin to approve the Claims from June 15
through July 31, 2010, in the amount of $57,625.05.
Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Krystin to approve the Claims for August 2010
in the amount of $35,020.04. AT&T,
MLNC, UW Madison, and Hannibal Arts Council were added to the bill list.
Motion carried.
John Stadsvold was introduced to the Library Board of Trustees.
He provided the Treasurer’s Report.
Hallie indicated that the City Financial Report for July 2010 had not been
received yet.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Amber to approve the Transfer Recommendations
for the emergency transfer of June 24, 2010, and July 13, 2010, and August 9,
2010. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed correspondence, including Hallie’s reply to a Request for
Reconsideration, a courtesy copy of a letter from Betsy Kurz, Margaret Conroy’s
email concerning bid limits, and the geocache.
There was consensus that Hallie should see that the geocache on the
Library’s property is taken off the geocaching website.
There was no Public Comment.
Amber provided the Finance Committee report.
The next meeting is scheduled for September 13, at 3:30 p.m.
Jeanie provided the Library Personnel & Services Committee report.
The Building and Nominating Committees had not met.
Becky appointed Board members to Committees for FY2010-2011. Becky established a By-Laws Committee and appointed herself and Krystin to it. The Finance Committee will be chaired by Amber with Becky and Marjorie as the other members. The Library Personnel & Services Committee will be chaired by Jeanie with Krystin and Gordon as the other members. The Building Committee will be chaired by Pam G. with Pam W. and Mike as the other members. The Nominating Committee will be chaired by Mike with Pam W. and Amber as the other members.
Hallie’s written report was included in the packet. Hallie formally notified the Library Board that Jannan Shinn was hired as the Library Shelver, effective June 18, and Caitlin Greathouse was hired as Circulation Associate I, effective July 8. She issued the annual reminder about the Sunshine Law and email, and requested that if a Board member has any emails about Library business, to please email them to her. She said she had been notified that she needed to complete another form for e-Rate application. She reminded the Board of the Annual Book Sale on August 26 through 28. She indicated that she would mail the Librarian’s annual narrative report by August 31, the due date set by State statute. She announced several calendar dates, including her attendance at the Grand River Library Conference meeting on September 1, technology training for general public in September & October, and Library Planning Day on September 17.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Jeanie that request be made to the City Council to waive the City’s sealed bid requirements and accept SPC’s quotation for 300 copies of the Hagood book reprint, and to request that the Mayor sign the contract. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Amber to follow the State mileage rate at the time of travel. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Krystin to adopt the revised Chapter 3 of the Library Personnel Manual. Motion carried.
Moved by Amber and supported by Becky to table F&M Bank’s recommendation concerning Garth Trust and Master Memo for Trust. Motion carried.
Hallie requested that the creation of a new position, that of Temporary Circulation Associate, be withdrawn from consideration.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Pam W. to declare certain items as surplus and approve them for sale: Plastic clip-on shelf supports that don’t fit any of our shelves ($.25 each), Metal clip-on shelf label holders that only fit wood shelves ($.25 each), File dividers with metal label holders ($2.50 for the whole lot), Galvanized label holders with bolts ($.25 each), 2 bean bag chairs ($5.00 each). Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Pam G. to enter into Closed Session, including Hallie, pursuant to RSMO 601.021(3) “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…” Motion carried. (Roll call: Jeanie, aye; Pam G., aye; Mike, aye; Krystin, aye; Amber, aye; Becky, aye)
Moved by Mike and supported by Amber to direct Hallie to write a letter to Betsy Kurz for Becky to sign. Motion carried.
Moved by Mike and supported by Krystin to re-enter Open Session. Motion carried. (Roll call: Jeanie, aye; Pam G., aye; Mike, aye; Krystin, aye; Amber, aye; Becky, aye)
Photo day for the Board was announced as Monday, September 13, during the next Board meeting.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Krystin to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Accepted by the Board,
Becky Steffa, Board President