Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 8, 2010
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, March 8, 2010, in the Trustees Room of the Library. Present were Board President Becky Steffa, Board Vice-President Jeanie Powers, and Board members Amber Baxter, Pam Ginsberg, and Gordon Ipson. Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver and Tamara Reed of F&M Bank and Trust.
The meeting was called to order by Board President Becky Steffa at 4:00 p.m. The arrangement of the Agenda was amended with item 12A, Trust Investment Plan, moved to be included in the Treasurer’s Report section.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to approve the Minutes of the meeting of February 8, 2010. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Amber to approve the Claims for March 2010 in the amount of $53,323.55. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Gordon to adopt the Trust Investment Plan for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011. Discussion followed concerning the $70,000 for the Capital Outlay fund which will be moved from Undesignated Reserves. The balance in Undesignated Reserves will be $199,329.27. Motion carried.
Tamara provided the Treasurer’s Report. Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
The City Financial Report was included in the Board packets.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Pam G. to accept the recommendation not to make any transfers in March. Motion carried.
Hallie read Todd’s letter of resignation and the letter from the Missouri State Auditor acknowledging receipt of the Library’s financial statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.
There was no public comment.
Amber provided the Finance Committee report. The Library Personnel & Services report was provided by Jeanie, and Pam G. provided the report of the Building Committee.
Discussion followed about what the Nominating Committee needed to accomplish this spring. A Treasurer needs to be elected to complete the year, a slate of officers for next year needs to be developed, and a future candidate needs to be recruited for Board membership. Hallie was instructed to ask Mike and Pam W. about their interest. The Committee previously had selected a potential candidate, and Hallie was instructed to contact him.
Gordon was agreeable to continuing to serve on the Library Board. Moved by Becky and supported by Amber to recommend him for re-appointment to the City Manager. Discussion followed and there was consensus that Hallie should wait until she has consulted with Mike and Pam W. Motion carried.
Hallie’s written report was included in the packet. She also reported progress on the Literary Landmark event in April but did not have anything definite yet. She reminded the Board of Peggy’s Retirement Tea on Saturday, March 13, and of the Author Event on Sunday, March 21.
Moved by Becky and supported by Gordon to reclassify Betsy Kurz as a part-time Clerk 1, scheduled 30 hours per week, at a pay rate of $9.07 per hour, as of the beginning of the next pay period. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Becky to create a part-time Clerk 1 position, scheduled 20 hours per week, at a hire rate of $9.07 per hour and post-probationary rate of $9.30 per hour. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Becky to establish, as the minimum qualification for the Assistant Director, the possession of an MLS degree or its equivalent from an ALA accredited school with post-graduate experience in a larger library setting preferred. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Pam G. to approve the organizational chart, dated March 8, 2010. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Pam G. to amend the Roles of the Library Personnel and Services to include as item 3: “Review job descriptions periodically” and to renumber subsequent items. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Jeanie to authorize Hallie to send the Library’s budget to the City in the amount of $753,583 as projected revenue for 2009-2010 and $745,906 for 2010-2011, and in the amount of $$746,438 as projected expenditure for 2009-2010 and $745,905 for 2010-2011. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Jeanie to authorize Hallie to sign a contract with Chester Bross Construction Company of Hannibal in the amount of $8,427.56. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Gordon to accept the Trust Investment Plan for Fiscal years 2009/2010 & 2010/2011, dated February 26, 2010. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to authorize Becky to sign Todd’s proclamation and plaque. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Gordon to authorize Becky to sign Peggy’s proclamation. Motion carried.
The Board confirmed its next meeting date as Monday, April 12.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Accepted by the Board,
Becky Steffa, Board President