Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
October 11, 2010
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, October 11, 2010, in the Trustees Room of the Library. Present were Amber Baxter, Marjorie Coleman, Krystin Conley, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, Mike Scholes, Becky Steffa, and Pam Warfield. Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver and Karen Sutor of F&M Bank and Trust.
Before the meeting was called to order, a photo was taken in the Woman’s Club Room.
Board President Becky Steffa called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Trustees Room.
Moved by Mike and supported by Krystin to approve the Minutes of the meeting of September 13, 2010. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to approve the Claims for October 2010 in the amount of $56,044.80. Discussion followed on the additional claims added after the packet was mailed, including the annual SirsiDynix renewal, Hallie’s expenses to attend MLA Conference, Unique Management’s and MLNC’s monthly bills, and personnel expenses. Motion carried.
Karen Sutor was introduced as representing F&M Bank and Trust. She distributed and provided the Treasurer’s Report.
The City Financial Report was distributed and discussed. Hallie indicated that she had not been able to obtain an up-to-date balance on hand due to the City Collector’s medical leave of absence.
Moved by Marjorie and supported by Gordon to approve the Transfer Recommendation for October 2010 not to exceed $68,000. Motion carried.
There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.
Krystin provided the By-Laws Committee Report. There were no other Committee reports.
A written Director’s Report was included in the packet. Hallie also reported that she had attended an excellent MLA Conference the previous week. The staff were commended for surviving in Hallie’s absence although there had been lots of illness. She notified the Board that Fran Hays would be seeking new Friends members at the GFWC Woman’s Club of Hannibal’s opening luncheon. Circulation statistics were distributed.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Mike to amend and accept the agreement to join
NEMO Community Foundation as a full member, and to authorize Becky to sign the
document. Motion carried.
There was consensus to take up the matter of publishing the Hagood book at the
end of the meeting.
Moved by Amber and supported by Gordon to accept Reliable’s quote for termite
protection at $2,232 with an annual renewal of $125.
Motion carried. Mike
abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Krystin to delete transactions from the
circulation system in which the transaction and due dates are blurred, provided
the transaction occurred before January 1, 2004.
The Board requested a report from Hallie on the amount of money involved
after the project is finished.
Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Marjorie to authorize Hallie to apply for an
LSTA grant in the category of Strengthening Services for Lifelong Learning.
The Board instructed Hallie to report on the amount sought at the next
meeting. Motion carried.
The matter concerning the Motion Picture Licensing Corporation was tabled.
Moved by Becky and supported by Gordon to waive the Library Board’s bid
requirements for printing of the Hagood
book since all local printers and a number of regional printers have already had
a chance to provide quotes. Further
moved to affirm the Library Board’s decision to contract with SPC for a minimum
of 300 copies, and recommend that Hallie or Becky sign the contract.
Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Marjorie to set the pre-publication price for
the Hagood book at $45.00, the regular price at $65.00, and the bookstore price
at $35 provided bookstores purchase ten or more copies.
Motion carried.
The date of the next Board meeting was set for November 8, 2010, at 4:00 p.m.
The By-Laws Committee meeting was scheduled the same day at 3:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Accepted by the Board,
Jean E. Powers, Board Vice-President