Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 10, 2011
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, January 10, 2011, in the Trustees Room of the Library. Present were Amber Baxter, Krystin Conley, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, Mike Scholes, Becky Steffa, and Pam Warfield. Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
Board President Becky Steffa called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Mike to approve the Minutes of meeting of December 13, 2010. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Pam W. to approve the Claims for January 2011 in the amount of $44,309.86 and $2,1830.70 in audit expenses already debited. Motion carried.
Hallie read email from Doug Warren, the City Finance Director, concerning difficulties encountered with the re-investment of the Dulaney Trust CD. She reported that the CD was allowed to roll-over at US Bank for another year at 0.5%.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Pam G. to request that the City redeposit the principal of $1,000 at a better interest rate. Discussion followed about the small amount of loss in interest earnings that reinvestment involved. Motion carried.
Hallie reported that she and Karen Sutor of F&M Bank would meet in early February to develop an investment recommendation for consideration at the February.
The City Financial Report was included in the packet. Hallie distributed a spreadsheet that showed the Library Board’s budget, expenditures and revenues to date, and remainders. She noted that assessment expense had not been debited from the December City report and that a new expenditure line had been added, entitled Audit, 80.60.240. She also reported that she estimated collection of taxes seemed about $30,000 in arrears.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Jeanie to approve the Transfer Recommendation for January 2011 in the amount of $311,617.29, which should move from the operation account into cash flow in the Library’s trust. Motion carried.
There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.
There were no reports from the Finance Committee, Library Personnel & Services Committee, or the Nominating Committee. Pam G. provided the Building Committee report, which concerned vandalism that resulted in a broken window. Krystin provided the By-Laws Committee report and recommendation.
Moved by Krystin and supported by Amber to adopt the By-Laws with some editorial corrections. Motion carried.
The Director’s Report was included in the packet. Hallie had nothing to add to it.
Hallie reported that five more copies of the Hagood book had been sold.
Moved by Mike and supported by Gordon to issue proclamations thanking Kurt Kopp and Hardy Pottinger of MOBIUS and John Sarnowski of the ResCarta Foundation for their assistance with the City Directory project. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon and supported by Krystin to go into Executive Session, admitting Hallie, to discuss possible litigation in accordance with RSMO 621.10 (1). Motion carried. (Roll-call vote, all ayes:
Amber Baxter, Krystin Conley, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Mike Scholes, Becky Steffa, Jeanie Powers, and Pam Warfield)
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Gorden to re-enter open session. Motion carried. (Roll-call vote, all ayes: Amber Baxter, Krystin Conley, Pam Ginsberg, Becky Steffa, Gordon Ipson, Mike Scholes, Jeanie Powers, and Pam Warfield)
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Gordon to adopt the following wording concerning e-Rate:
It is the intent of the Board to continue participation in E-Rate funding for as long as the funds remain available. Because of this intention, and because of overlapping fiscal years and the number of filing deadlines, the Board recognizes the difficulties an administrator has on occasion in seeking authorization prior to each filing. The Board regards these filings as an administrative responsibility and does not see the need for the Director to seek prior approval before each filing. Therefore, the Board authorizes its Library Director, Assistant Director, and/or the Library’s IT Manager to proceed and file E-Rate applications without specific prior approval from the Board.
Motion carried.
Moved by Krystin and supported by Gordon to table consideration of the annual Audit. Motion carried.
The next Library Board meeting will be held on February 14, 2011, at 4:00 p.m. The Finance Committee will meet at 3:30 p.m., prior to the Board meeting.
Moved by Mike and supported by Pam W. to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Accepted by the Board,
Rebecca L. Steffa, Board President