Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
March 14, 2011
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, March 14, 2011, in the Trustees Room of the Library. Present were Amber Baxter, Krystin Conley, Pam Ginsberg, Jeanie Powers, Becky Steffa, and Pam Warfield. Also present were Karen Sutor from F&M Bank, Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver, and Assistant Director Claire Ewersmann.
Board President Becky Steffa called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m. after a quorum was obtained.
Claire Ewersmann was welcomed as the Assistant Director.
Moved by Amber and supported by Pam G. to approve the Minutes of the meeting of January 10, 2011, and the no quorum meeting of February 14, 2011. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Pam W. to approve the Claims for February 2011 in the amount of $51,142.99 & March 2011 in the amount of $39,570.09 which were requested for issue on March 15, and $2,591.11 additional which will be requested for issue on March 25. Additional invoices include Golden Ruler at $21.11, Ingram at $191.90, F&M at $1,776.33, Niemann Foods at $25.24, Area Distributors at $98.93, St. Louis Post-Dispatch at $457.60, AT&T at $219.53, DearReader at $925, and Claire Ewersmann at $20.00. Motion carried.
Karen provided the Trust Fund Report.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Amber to agree to invest in agencies, treasuries, general obligation bonds provided the Library is allowed to do so. Motion carried.
Item 13E of the Agenda was considered next. Moved by Becky and supported by Amber to accept and invest the McOwan bequest in the amount of $30,000 with the interest to be used for books on art, music and religion. Motion carried.
The Board requested that Karen return to discuss investments further on April 11, 2011.
The City Financial Report was included in the packet.
No Transfer was made in February. None was requested for March. Hallie reported that the balance on hand, as of March 2, 2011, was $95,199.56. She said this amount was enough for three payrolls in March, the March Claims, and the rest of the TIF at $5,093.75.
There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.
Amber provided the report of the Finance Committee. Jeanie provided the report of the Library Personnel & Services Committee. Pam W. indicated that a meeting of the Building Committee would be scheduled soon. It was noted that the Nominating Committee was scheduled to meet on March 31, and the By-Laws Committee, sometime in May.
The written Director’s Report was included in the packet. Hallie provided additional information.
Moved by Amber and supported by Jeanie to go to press with the Hagoods’ The Story of Hannibal and offer the pre-publication price through April 15, 2011. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Pam W. to approve the FY2009-2010 Audit and to authorize Hallie to send it to the State Auditor. Motion carried.
Moved by Amber and supported by Pam G. to approve weather-related closings from 1:30 p.m. on January 31, all day on February 1 and 2, and until noon on February 25; furthermore, to pay full-time staff and Betsy for the hours they were scheduled. Discussion followed, and it was noted that other part-time staff members were not paid. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie and supported by Pam G. to accept the City’s ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act) self-assessment and transition plan, dated January 13, 2011, and to instruct Hallie to begin work on implementing the transition plan as it relates to the Library. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Amber to accept the LSTA grant entitled “Summer 2011” in the amount of $4,650 with a local match of $1,824. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Pam W. to authorize Hallie to find a local grant funder to supplement the Summer 2011 LSTA grant and request money for the following items: Legos, Wii, larger Ellison Die Cutter and dies, still and video cameras. Motion carried.
Item 13E was handled above after Item 5.
Moved by Becky and supported by Pam G. to continue with AT&T at the same service plan for FY2011-2012. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Amber to authorize Hallie utilize the City’s twice monthly check-cutting process to pay the credit card, phone bill, and any other invoices with penalties and, if necessary, to seek Board approval after the payment is made. Motion carried.
There was consensus that the Library Personnel & Services Committee should conduct the Director’s Evaluation in a similar manner as last year with Hallie drafting a self-evaluation and the Committee adding other goals.
Moved by Pam G. and supported by Jeanie to adopt the Technology Plan Update. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam W. and supported by Jeanie to authorize Becky and Hallie to sign the CIPA Compliance form stating that the Library uses MOREnet’s filtering software and that the Library’s Policy Statement Concerning Public Use of Computers contains the Acceptable Uses Policy. Motion carried.
Moved by Becky and supported by Pam G. to enter into Closed Session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to RSMO 601.021(3) “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…” Motion carried (Roll call: Amber yes, Pam G. yes, Jeanie yes, Becky yes, Pam W. yes)
No action was taken during the Closed Session.
Moved by Becky and supported by Pam G. to re-enter Open Session. Motion carried. (Roll call: Jeanie yes, Pam G. yes, Amber yes, Pam W. yes, Becky yes)
Moved by Amber and supported by Pam G. to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Accepted by the Board,
Rebecca L. Steffa, Board President