Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
May 9, 2011
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, May 9, 2011, in the Trustees Room of the Library. Present were Amber Baxter, Krystin Cooper, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, and Mike Scholes. Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
Library Board Vice President Jeanie Powers called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Krystin Cooper notified the Library Board of her change of name.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Pam Ginsberg to approve the Minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2011. Motion carried.
Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by Krystin Cooper to approve the Claims for April 2011 in the amount of $76,757.65. It was noted that the MIRMA payment was only an estimate.
F&M’s Trust Fund Report was distributed. Hallie Yundt Silver reported that Karen Sutor had explained an error in a check.
Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Gordon Ipson to
transfer $2,548.92 from the Capital
Outlay fund back to the Helen K. Garth Trust.
Motion carried.
The City Financial Report was mailed in packet.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Pam
Ginsberg to approve the Transfer Recommendations for April 2011 in the amount of
$51,742.63 from the Cash Flow Trust into the Library’s account at the City.
Motion carried.
Correspondence to the Ralls County Library Board
was included in the packet. There
was no other correspondence.
There was no Public Comment.
The Finance Committee will need to meet before
June 25. Jeanie Powers provided the
Library Personnel & Services Committee report.
Pam Ginsberg provided the Building & Grounds Committee.
Hallie Yundt Silver reported on actions requested by the Nominating
Committee; she notified the Board
that Rich Deien withdrew from consideration as a Library Board member; Jeanie’s
reappointment and John M. Hark’s appointment are on the City Council’s agenda
for the next two meetings. There
was no By-Laws Committee report.
The written Director’s Report was included in
the packet. In addition, Hallie
Yundt Silver reported the following:
Foster Grandparents will
be back for Summer 2011.
SPC Graphics brought a
copy of The Story of Hannibal to the
Library to proof.
The Library needs to
purchase a cash register and to tighten control over money collected at the
service desks. Additional petty
cash procedures need to be instituted.
Three staff members plan
to attend the Missouri Digitization Expo in Columbia.
A check from John B. Lewis in memory of Bayard Ploughman
has gone astray. She reported doubt
whether the Library ever received it.
Claire Ewersmann conducted fourteen telephone interviews
for the open Circulation Associate 1 position.
One candidate was interviewed in person last week.
A response was sent to Universal Service Administrative
Company (USAC)’s request for information about the Library’s E-rate Form 471 for
July 2011 to June 2012.
The Library Tea on
Saturday, May 14, was noticed as a Social Meeting.
Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by Pam
Ginsberg to authorize Jeanie Powers to sign a letter request release of $5,000
from Northeast Missouri Community Foundation by June 10.
Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Krystin Cooper to seek sealed bids as soon as possible for the Masonry and Stucco Repair Project, and to authorize the Building & Grounds Committee to consider the bids, to accept or decline them, and to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to sign any contracts. Motion carried.
Moved by Krystin Cooper and supported by Amber Baxter to seek separate quotes for the fans and for electrical work, and to authorize the Building & Grounds Committee to consider the bids, to accept or decline them, and to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to sign any contracts. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Krystin Cooper to adopt the amended Public Behavior Policy with revisions. Motion carried.
Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by Krystin Cooper to adopt the Social Media Policy. Motion carried.
Moved by Pam Ginsberg and supported by Gordon Ipson to issue proclamations to LaVerne See, Betty Todd, Barb Eddy, Sara Barrett, Jana Suchland, Virginia Hampton, LaVera Foster, Joan Varadin, Friends of the Library, Ll’Tanya “Toni” Rose, and Joseph W. Frye, Jr. Motion carried.