Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

September 26, 2011


The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met at 4:15 p.m., on Monday, September 26, 2011, in the Woman’s Club Room of the Library.  Present were:  Krystin Cooper, Pam Ginsberg, John H. Hark, Gordon Ipson, and Jeanie Powers.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.  


Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the meeting to order at 4:15 p.m.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John Hark to approve the Minutes of the meeting of August 8, 2011 and the no quorum meeting of September 12, 2011.  Motion carried.


Claims in the amount of $53,082.52 were distributed.  Visa’s rejection of payment and subsequent cutting of an emergency check to USA Today in the amount of $156 was discussed.  Also discussed was the need to get checks cut prior to the Board meeting.  Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Krystin Cooper to approve the Claims and the additional $156 to USA Today.  Motion carried.


Hallie Yundt Silver provided the Trust Fund Report.  She reported that Karen Sutor told her of reinvesting the Melba Easley CD for 9 mos., at 0.60% interest, at F&M.  She reported that the Aileen Marshall CD had not been reinvested yet.  She said that Karen Sutor reported looking at bonds, but rates were lower; credit unions were still being considered.  


The City Financial Report was distributed.


The Transfer Recommendation for September 2011 was distributed.  It was in the amount of $52,441.85 to be transferred from the Trust into the operating account.  Hallie Yundt Silver reported that the transfer had to be made at the time the checks were cut.  Moved by John Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson to approve the Transfer Recommendation.  Motion carried.


Correspondence was included in the Packet.  No other Correspondence was reported.


There was no Public Comment or Committee Reports.


The Director’s written report was included in the Packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver provided additional information, including:


·         The Library needs to increase bandwidth from 5 to 10 MB.  The expense is subsidized by the State through the REAL program, and  Library’s cost increases from $957 to $1518.  We are also equesting router from REAL program.

·         The Library continued to have problems with the new server. Incompatibility between anti-virus version and server version seems to have been the problem.  A virus was found on Donna’s computer; we had Branco fix it because of the other computer issues going on.

·         The Library continue to have patrons finding their way past the content filter.  The problem has been reported and MOREnet is working with the contractor. 

·         The painting moved safely to the Museum.  I extended the loan period to Monday, November 14, 2011, per the Museum’s request.  I denied a request from Ken Marks to loan the same painting at the same time to his museum.

·         The Federated Genealogy Societies Conference was wonderful.  I gave two presentations about it already. 

·         The Library Board received copies of the Annual Narrative Report in August, which require some editorial corrections.


Corrected copies of Annual Narrative Report were distributed at the meeting.  Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Krystin Cooper to accept the Librarian’s Annual Narrative Report as corrected.  Motion carried.


There was consensus to consider having screens for the storm doors milled in Spring 2012 or in FY 2012-2013. 


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John Hark to set the Ad Valorem Property Tax Rate as recommended by the Missouri State Auditor at $.2794, and to authorize the City Finance Director, Doug Warren, to complete all necessary paperwork.  Motion carried.


Moved by John Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson to enter into closed session discuss the hiring, firing, disciplining or promotion of particular employees in accordance with RSMO 610.021(3), and to discuss specifications for building projects in accordance with RSMO 610.021(11), admitting the Library Director.  Roll Call Vote (all ayes):  Krystin Cooper, John Hark, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers; no nays; no abstentions.


Moved by John Hark and supported by Krystin Cooper to re-enter open session.  Roll Call Vote (all ayes):  Krystin Cooper, John Hark, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers; no nays; no abstentions.


Moved by John Hark and supported by Krystin Cooper to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)

Hannibal Free Public Library





Pamela Ginsberg, President

Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees