Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 13, 2012


The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library will met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, August 13, 2012, in the meeting rooms on the third floor of the Library.  Present were:  Annie Dixon, Pam Ginsberg, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, and Pam Warfield.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.  


Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Pam Warfield to approve the Minutes, correcting some typographical errors.  Motion carried.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Annie Dixon to approve for payment later in August, but not to exceed $1,900:  Visa to finish Summer 2012 grant, Visa to purchase videos from Amazon, ALA for Booklist subscription renewal, and Amber Cooley’s travel to Summer Institute.


Amended Claims were distributed.  Hallie Yundt Silver indicated the following needed to be added to the Claims just distributed: Reliance Label Solutions, Library Supplies, $382.64, and EBSCO, General Magazines, $3,851.67.  Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Pam Warfield to approve the Claims for August 2012 in the amount of $60,101.40.  Motion carried.


The Trust Fund Report was included in the packet.  The City Financial Report and Library Budget spreadsheet were distributed.


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Annie Dixon to approve the Transfer Recommendation for August 2012 in the amount of $51,791.16 from Cash Flow account of the Trust to the Library’s operating account at the City.


Correspondence from Amber Baxter, Charles Wiseman, and Bill Boltinghouse was discussed.


There were no Committee Reports.


The Director’s Report was included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver added the following information to her report:

·         Annual Narrative Report to be mailed before August 31

·         Summer Institute was good.

·         Learning Laboratory has disbanded.  Annie Dixon gave the Library a check, which will be used to purchase science materials for the collection. 


Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Gordon Ipson to accept the Show Me Grant in the amount of $982 for 75% of the cost for Hallie Yundt Silver to attend the Federated Genealogical Societies’ 2012 conference in Birmingham, Alabama.  It was noted that the grant requires a 25% local match, or $327.  Motion carried.


No further action on E-Rate for FY13-14 was necessary.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Pam Warfield to request that the Library be included in the City’s quotation for credit cards.  Motion carried.


A list of surplus equipment, dated August 13, 2012, was distributed.  Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Annie Dixon to declare the equipment surplus and further to authorize disposal of equipment.  Discussion followed on how to dispose of the surplus equipment.  There was consensus that it could be a donation to area libraries, a donation to Indian Hills Community College’s Renewable Energy program, soled in a silent auction put in City auction, and/or City-wide clean-up, etc.  Motion carried.


Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Jeanie Powers to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)

Hannibal Free Public Library






Pamela Ginsberg, President

Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees