Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 9, 2012
The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free
Public Library met at 4:00 p.m., on Monday, January 9, 2012, in the Trustees
Room of the Library.
Present were:
Pam Ginsberg, John H. Hark, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, and Mike
Scholes. Also present was Librarian
Hallie Yundt Silver.
Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the
meeting to order at 4 p.m. Copies
of the revised Agenda were distributed.
Mention was made that the revision had been properly noticed.
Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Gordon
Ipson to approve the Minutes of meeting or November 14, 2011, and no quorum
meeting of December 12, 2011.
Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Mike
Scholes to approve the Claims for December 2011 in the amount of $48,003.24 and
January 2012 in the amount of $58,811.38.
Motion carried.
Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by Jeanie
Powers to approve the Transfer Recommendations for December 2011 in the amount
of $48,150.31 and January 2012 in the amount of $356,828.65, with both transfers
to go from the City account into the Cash Flow Account of the Trust.
Motion carried.
F&M’s Trust Fund Report was distributed.
Hallie Yundt Silver said she had nothing to report on the Dulaney CD
although she and Amber had been in contact with the City about it.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Jeanie
Powers to invest $50,000 of the cash on deposit in the Trust’s money market
account in a CD to mature in 2014 and the remainder to mature in 2015.
Further moved to invest in a CD money transferred into Cash Flow with
$100,000 to mature in September 2012, and the remainder laddered in 2013, 2014
and 2015. Motion carried.
The City Financial Report was distributed.
Correspondence from Nancy Binns and Hallie Yundt
Silver’s response to it was noted.
There was no Public Comment or Committee
The written Director’s Report was included in
the packet. Circulation Statistics
were distributed at the meeting.
Hallie Yundt Silver added the following:
The e-mailed request to
overspend budget and purchase microfilm from Missouri State Historical Society,
the sole supplier, failed to gain enough Library Board support.
There was consensus that the matter should be brought back for further
consideration at budget time.
The part-time
Circulation Associate 1 position was advertized.
Applications are arriving.
Deadline for first consideration is January 14.
The Library now has a
website designed for mobile devices.
When it is time to
report to the City on the Library’s 5-year Plan for Capital Outlay, she plans to
report no changes to last year’s plan, which included
$1 million as a placeholder for the building expansion project, and $12,000 as
placeholders for the microfilm-reader printers.
There was no Old Business.
Moved by John Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson
to confirm the adoption of the following language related to the Library’s
e-Rate participation:
It is the intent of the Board to continue participation in E-Rate funding for as long as the funds remain available. Because of this intention, and because of overlapping fiscal years and the number of filing deadlines, the Board recognizes the difficulties an administrator has on occasion in seeking authorization prior to each filing. The Board regards these filings as an administrative responsibility and does not see the need for the Director to seek prior approval before each filing. Therefore, the Board authorizes its Library Director, Assistant Director, and/or the Library’s IT Manager to proceed and file E-Rate applications without specific prior approval from the Board.
Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by John Hark to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to apply for three LSTA Long-Term grants, due on March 15, 2012. Motion carried.
Hallie Yundt Silver announced he following motion had been approved in December via e-mail by Pam G., Gordon, Krystin, Jeanie, and John: to accept MOREnet's and Microsoft 3-year agreement for the total amount of $1,053.20 and authorizes Hallie Yundt Silver to sign it.
Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by John Hark to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver and/or Claire Ewersmann to write grant application(s) seeking funding to attend the 2012 Public Library Association (PLA) Annual Conference. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Jeanie Powers to acknowledge receipt of the Audit but stipulating approval be pending until questions are answered. Motion carried.
A list of equipment, dated January 9, 2012, was distributed with the request that it be declared surplus. Moved by Mike Scholes and supported by Gordon Ipson to declare it surplus. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John Hark to enter into Executive Session, admitting Hallie Yundt Silver, to discuss hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees in accordance with RSMO 610.021(3). Motion carried. (Roll call: all ayes-Pam Ginsberg, John H. Hark, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, Mike Scholes. No nays or abstentions.)
Moved by John Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson to re-open. Motion carried. (Roll call: all ayes-Pam Ginsberg, John H. Hark, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, Mike Scholes. No nays or abstentions.) Session reopened at 4:49 p.m.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John Hark
to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at
4:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)
Hannibal Free Public Library
Pamela Ginsberg, President
Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees