Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting
June 10, 2013
The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees
met at 4:05 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2013, in the 3rd Floor Meeting
Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO
63401. Present were:
Pam Ginsberg, John M. Hark, Brandi Lionberger, Jeanie Powers, and Mike Scholes.
Absent were: Frank DiTillo, Gordon
Ipson, and Pam Warfield. Also present wasLibrarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
There was consensus to rearrange the agenda.
Nominating Committee’s slate of officers was read.
There were no nominations from the floor.
Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Brandi Lionberger to close nominations and elect by acclaim the following officers for fiscal year 2013-2014: Pam Ginsberg, President; Jeanie Powers, Vice-President; Amber Baxter, Treasurer; and John M. Hark, Secretary. Motion carried.
Hallie Yundt Silver discussed sought guidance from the Library Board concerning the volunteer agreement proposed for the Masonry, Stucco & Roof project.
The Nominating Committee’s list
of Library Board candidates to contact and, if qualified and interested, to
recommend to the Mayor was read, and several other names were added.
Candidates include: Tom
Prater, Joe Welsh, Kim Ahrens, Babs Herring, Jennifer Foster, Claudia Buckman,
Doug Browne, Kevin Dillingham, Collin Welch, and Jamie McCoy.
Hallie Yundt Silver informed the Library Board that the second set of claims for June would include invoices for MOREnet services, annual rent on the storage shed, and similar contractual services as well as more invoices for materials, library supplies, and building supplies. She indicated the need to purchase several items of equipment. She reminded the Library Board of their consensus agreement in May that she should get the invoices paid in June and seek approval of the Claims in July.
Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Jeanie Powers to enter Executive Session, admitting Hallie Yundt Silver, pursuant to RSMO 610.021(12) “Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened; and sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are rejected,” and pursuant to RSMO 601.021(3) “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…” Roll call (all ayes): Jeanie Powers, Brandi Lionberger, Mike Scholes, John M. Hark, Pam Ginsberg. Motion carried.
Executive Session was entered at 4:10 p.m.
The meeting re-opened at 4:35 p.m.
Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Jeanie Powers to accept bid by Pishny Restoration Services for the Library’s Masonry, Stucco & Roof project in the amount of $169,500, and following completion of pre-contractual requirements, authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to sign the contract. Motion carried.
Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Jeanie Powers to adopt the Pay Scale for 2013-2014, which includes a COLA adjustment of 1% to the base of the scale for most positions. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Mike Scholes to adopt the 2013-2014 budget as presented. Motion carried.
Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Brandi Lionberger to amend the 2012-2013 budget and authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to make any end-of-year adjustments to budget lines without overspending the bottom line of $863,198. Motion carried.
Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Jeanie Powers to continue continue to mirror the City of Hannibal’s fiscal year, provided State Statute allows our library to do so as a municipal voted-tax library. Motion carried.
Moved by John M. Hark to adjourn Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)
Hannibal Free Public Library
Pamela Ginsberg, President
Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees