The Hannibal Free Public Library
Board of Trustees met immediately following the Public Hearing on the
Library’s Budget at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July
13, 2015, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public
Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO
Present were: David Clayton,
Frank DiTillo, Sara North, and Tom Prater.
Kim Ahrens was on the speaker phone.
Amber Baxter was absent. Also
present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
Vice-President Tom Prater chaired
the meeting. He called the meeting
to order at 4:04 p.m. A call was
placed to Kim Ahrens, who was placed on the speaker phone.
The agenda was rearranged
to do 11C next.
Sara North volunteered to be the Library Board Secretary.
Moved by Kim Ahrens and supported by David Clayton to close nominations
and elect by proclamation. Motion
Installation of Library Board Officers followed.
Hallie Yundt Silver read the oaths and installed Kim Ahrens as President,
Tom Prater as Vice-President, and Sara North as Secretary.
It was noted that Amber Baxter had already installed as Treasurer.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Kim Ahrens to
approve the Minutes of the Public Hearing, the Meeting, and the Executive
Session, of June 8, 2015. Discussion
followed to clarify the motion concerning the COLA increase.
Hallie Yundt Silver stated that, per the Personnel & Services Committee,
the Temporary Custodian was not discussed for the COLA increase, and that the
Committee subsequently provided her with the following guidance at its meeting
of June 11, 2015: “… not to grant the 1% COLA increase to the Temporary
Custodian.” Motion carried.
Final Claims for July in the amount of $44,002.24 were
distributed. Hallie Yundt Silver
said that two additional invoices needed to be paid in July:
N&H Stamp for $40.50 from Library Supplies and Golden Ruler for $1,055.00
plus the cable from Capital Equipment-Computer Upgrade & Replace.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by David Clayton to approve the
Final Claims for July and the Second Claims for June in the amount of $6,590.06.
Motion carried.
Sterne Agee’s Balances & Positions, July 13, 2015, and
Investment Overview, July 13, 2015, were distributed.
Hallie Yundt Silver said she had made progress on the Investment
Overview, but she still had several questions about Sterne Agee’s Activity
Report. Moved by David Clayton and
supported by Sara North to table the Investment Report.
Motion carried.
Discussion followed on investing $100,000 in a CD that was
currently on deposit in the HNB Infinity Account:
$25,000 in Boor Principal, $60,000 in Haggart Principal, and $15,000 in
Unrestricted. Moved by Frank DiTillo
and supported by David Clayton to invest the money with Sterne Agee for 24
months. Motion carried.
The City Financial Report for June 2015 was emailed to
Library Board members that morning.
Hallie Yundt Silver reported that it had been received that day, and there had
been no time to review it. – We
just received the Report today and have not had time to review it.
The Transfer Recommendation for July was distributed.
Moved by Sara North and supported by Frank DiTillo
to approve the Transfer Recommendation, showing no transfer
of funds between Cash Flow and the Operating Account. Motion
Correspondence from Hannibal Amateur Radio Club was
included in the packet. It thanked
the Library for the use of the meeting room.
The next meeting of Library Personnel & Services Committee was tentatively
set for 4:00 p.m., on July 23rd.
It was reported that the Finance Committee, scheduled for June 22nd,
had not achieved a quorum and did not meet.
No other Committees met.
Kim Ahrens announced that she had decided to keep the same committee
structure until the new Trustees are appointed.
The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.
Hallie Yundt Silver added that performance evaluations were getting
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Sara North to table discussion on the
Budget. Motion carried.
Moved by Kim Ahrens and supported by Sara North to recommend to the Mayor two of
the following three people for two of the three Library Board vacancies:
J’Nelle Lee, Andrew Woods, and Lauren Youse.
Motion carried.
Hallie Yundt Silver was instructed to continue to seek potential candidates for
the third Library Board vacancy.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Frank DiTillo to issue Proclamations
honoring Pam Ginsberg, Pam Warfield, and Brandi Lionberger as outgoing Trustees.
Motion carried.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported David Clayton to approve the “Public Access
Computer Access by Minors” Form. It
was noted that this form was one of three required by June 30th to
obtain State Aid. Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Kim Ahrens to set Date of Public Hearing
on the Library’s Ad Valorem Property Tax Rate for 4:00 p.m. on September 7th,
with the Library Board meeting to follow immediately thereafter, and to
authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to place the legal ad.
Motion carried.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported David Clayton to update the Library Board’s
Resolutions for the Safety Deposit Boxes at F&M Bank and Trust, as follows:
1) Access to the box with Certificates of Deposit to require signatures
from two of the following: Frank DiTillo,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Amber Baxter, and Kim Ahrens.
2) Access to the box with Local History Compact Disks to require
signatures from two of the following: Hallie Yundt Silver, Sheila Dennehy,
Claire Ewersmann, and Kim Ahrens.
Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Kim Ahrens to update the Library Board’s
Resolution for HNB Infinity Account to require signatures on checks from two of
the following: Frank DiTillo, Hallie
Yundt Silver, Amber Baxter, and Kim Ahrens.
motions were made to enter Executive Session.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Sara North to refer the bargaining
request from the Library Staff to the Library Personnel & Services Committee.
Motion carried.
Discussion followed on what the staff had been told.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and
supported by David Clayton to adjourn.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 4:58
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Kim Ahrens, President