MEETING OF September 14, 2015
The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met
on Monday, September 14, 2015,
immediately following the Public Hearing at 4:00 p.m., in the 3rd
Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street,
Hannibal, MO 63401.
Present were:
Kim Ahrens,
David Clayton, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Tom
Prater, and Lauren Youse (left at 5:45 p.m.)
Amber Baxter and Frank DiTillo were absent.
Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.
The meeting was called to order
at 4:05 p.m.
Kim Ahrens welcomed and installed J’Nelle Lee and Lauren Youse as new Library
Board Trustees.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Minutes of the
Meeting of July 13th, as corrected, and no quorum minutes of August 10, 2015.
The correction to July minutes was the date of the Public Hearing and
Library Board meeting on September 14th.
Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Second
Claims for June, the Claims for July, and the Claims for September.
It was noted that the Claims for August need to be considered at the
October meeting. Motion carried.
Corrected Investment Overviews for July and August 2015 were distributed and
discussed. One question remained on
the Investment Overview for June 2015, which should be resolved when the CD
matures on Friday, September 18th.
There was consensus that Hallie Yundt Silver should proposed renaming of
funds at AMG and HNB instead of actually moving money to handle the following
issues: Sterne Agee’s Postage &
Handling fees and the CD purchased on June 3rd for $122,501.75, or $501.75 more
than was initially designated.
Moved by Sara North and supported by David Clayton to authorize Amber Baxter and
Hallie Yundt Silver be authorized to redeem the CD maturing on September 18th
at HomeBank and deposit the proceeds in the HNB Infinity Account.
Further moved to authorize Frank DiTillo or Kim Ahrens, and Hallie Yundt
Silver to invest $100,000 from the maturing CD and $72,000 from funds designated
as Unrestricted in HNB Infinity Account in a 31 month CD at Central State Bank
in Quincy at 1.85%. Motion carried.
corrected City Financial Report for August 2015 will be distributed as will
reports for June and July 2015
The Transfer
Recommendation for September 2015 was distributed.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Lauren Youse to transfer $165,000
from the HNB Infinity Account to the Library’s Operating Account at US Bank.
Moved further to authorize two of the following people to sign the check:
Frank DiTillo, Amber Baxter, Hallie Yundt Silver.
Motion carried.
There was no
Kim Ahrens reviewed
Committee Assignments. There were
no Committee Reports.
The written Director’s
Report was included in the packet.
Hallie Yundt Silver added the following:
She reviewed her vacation plans for late
She announced that the Library had a very
successful summer. She requested
that the Library Board join in congratulating each and every staff member for
their efforts and the public for its success in reading many, many hours.
She celebrated the Adult Summer Reading Program
conclusion on Friday, September 12th, with 122 participants who
reported reading 1,112 books. She
said that twenty-one people attended Adult Trivia Night, and that Paula Hulse
and Terri Patterson placed first.
She described a patron who appears to present a
public health hazard. She said that
staff have told him he cannot be at the Library with bleeding or oozing sores.
She reminded the Library Board that patron issues
took lots of time in late July, and that the Library is still trying to identify
the person who allegedly violated copyright while using the Library’s wireless
She provided an update on recruitment for the
last Board vacancy.
Moved by Tom Prater and
supported by David Clayton to set the rate at
the Hancock fair tax rate of $0.2859.
Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and
supported by J’Nelle Lee to continue to request that the Library participates in
the City’s banking services contract, which covers the operating account and the
credit cards. Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Tom Prater to adopt a new resolution for
CDs at F&M Bank and to authorize any two of the following as signatories to
invest or redeem: Amber Baxter,
Frank DiTillo, Kim Ahrens, Hallie Yundt Silver.
Motion carried.
Moved by David Clayton and supported by Tom Prater to accept the Librarian’s
Annual Narrative Report for FY2014-2015.
Motion carried.
Moved by Tom Prater and
supported by David Clayton to close part of the meeting pursuant to RSMO
601.021(3) “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by
a public governmental body…” and admitting Hallie Yundt Silver.
Motion carried. (Roll call
(all ayes): Kim Ahrens, Sara North,
Tom Prater, J’Nelle Lee, David Clayton)
The Meeting was closed at
4:58 p.m. The Meeting re-opened at
5:24 p.m.
Moved by Tom Prater and
supported by David Clayton to adjourn.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at
5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Kim Ahrens, President