The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, January 11, 2016, at 4:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present were:  Kim Ahrens, David Clayton, Frank DiTillo, Sara North, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse.  Amber Baxter and J’Nelle Lee, were absent.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.


Library Board President Kim Ahrens called the meeting to order.  The meeting began at 4:05 p.m.


Moved by Sara North and supported by David Clayton to approve the Minutes of the meeting of December 21, 2015.  Motion carried. 


Moved by David Clayton and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Claims for December 2015 in the amount of $54,228.47, and January 2016 in the amount of $58,675.88.  Hallie Yundt Silver reported the following about the Claims:  1. Payment was stopped on a check issues to SirsiDynix in September, and December’s Claims included a request to issue a new check.  2. January claims include the purchase of an industrial vacuum cleaner.   She requested authorization to pay for snow plowing and for repairs to the ceiling in the Woman’s Club Room should the invoices arrive before the cut-off for the Second January Claims.  Motion carried.


The Investment Report for December 2015 was distributed.  Sterne Agee’s report was included in the packet.  Discussion followed on investments.   Hallie Yundt Silver reported that F&M decided to reissue all CDs, and she had signature cards to be signed.  Discussion continued about the CD at F&M that matures on January 29, 2016, with Hallie Yundt Silver reminding the Library Board of its motion on November 9, 2015, renaming the accounts.  Moved by David Clayton and supported by Tom Prater to accept the Investment Reports.  Motion carried.


Moved by David Clayton and supported by Frank DiTillo to cash the CD to mature on January 29, 2016, in the amount of $10,967.41, and deposit the check in the operating account.  Motion carried. 


Hallie Yundt Silver reported she had not received the City Financial Report for December 2015.


The Transfer Recommendation for January 2016 was distributed, showing the recommendation of a transfer of $200,000.00 in Cash Flow from the operating account at the City into the Library’s HNB Infinity Account.  Moved by David Clayton and supported by Frank DiTillo to accept the Transfer Recommendation.  Motion carried.


Hallie Yundt Silver reported that she received a comment in writing from a member of the Friends about the Library being closed for four days over Christmas and again over New Year’s.  She said she talked to him, and he seemed to accept her explanation. 


Committee Reports followed.  Hallie Yundt Silver stated the need for the Finance Committee to start meeting.  Kim Ahrens gave the report of the Building & Grounds Committee.  Members of the Library Board suggested additional improvements to the building, including:  re-lamping the large can lights over the mezzanine and repairing the steps to the traditional entrance.  After discussion, there was consensus to table Hallie Yundt Silver’s request for an ad hoc committee to explore further development of the Hannibal Library Press.  There were no other Committee Reports.


The Director’s written report was included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver added the following to her report:

The Library Board was complimentary on the two new adult programs.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by David Clayton to adopt the following statement concerning e-Rate:


It is the intent of the Board to continue participation in E-Rate funding for as long as the funds remain available.  Because of this intention, and because of overlapping fiscal years and the number of filing deadlines, the Board recognizes the difficulties an administrator has on occasion in seeking authorization prior to each filing.  The Board regards these filings as an administrative responsibility and does not see the need for the Director to seek prior approval before each filing.  Therefore, the Board authorizes its Library Director, Assistant Director, and/or the Library’s IT Manager to proceed and file E-Rate applications without specific prior approval from the Board.  


Hallie Yundt Silver reported that AT&T had submitted the only e-Rate bid for long-distance telephone service.  She said it was for $15 per month for 250 minutes with $.08 per minute charged over the 250-minute block.  Moved by David Clayton and supported by Tom Prater to accept the bid.  Motion carried.


Moved by David Clayton and supported by Frank DiTillo to authorize Claire Ewersmann and/or Hallie Yundt Silver to make the following LSTA Grant applications:  1. Long-Term LSTA Grant Application for Library Service Improvement to hire a consultant to survey the community to find out why more people do not use our library, to hire a consultant,  hold public hearings to assist in developing a long-range plan, and to complete the grant project with the development of a long-range plan.  2. Show Me LSTA Grant Application to fund Hallie Yundt Silver’s attendance at the Annual Conference of Federation of Genealogical Societies in Springfield, Illinois, over the Labor Day weekend .  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by David Clayton to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to place a legal ad and seek bids for elevator maintenance service.  Motion carried.


Moved by David Clayton and supported by Lauren Youse to move the Library Board meeting in May to May 23, 2016.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by David Clayton to accept the 2014-2015 audit.  Motion carried.


Discussion followed concerning Sara North’s proposed Director’s Evaluation Form. 


Moved by David Clayton and supported by Sara North to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 5:27 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary






Kim Ahrens, President