The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, July 11, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Sara A. North, Casey Welch, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Amber Baxter, J’Nelle Lee, and Tom Prater. Also Present: Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director

Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting. She called it to order at 5:05 p.m.

Kim Ahrens announced that all Officers were returning. She stated that no oaths or installation was required.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Frank DiTillo to approve the Minutes of the public hearing and of the meeting, both of June 13, 2017, with the correction of Kim Ahren’s title as President. Motion carried.

Claims were distributed. Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Casey Welch to approve the Claims for July 2017 in the amount of $58,755.02. Motion carried.

Discussion followed about the Investment Report for June 2017. It concerned the HNB statement, which had not been received, and a missing interest check from US Bank, which was to be reissued.

Discussion followed on the CD to mature on July 24, 2017. Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to reinvest the $100,000 already in the CD and to add up to $4,600 from the money market account at Prospera/Wells Fargo. Further moved to authorize the Investment Committee to work with Brad Lukens of AMG on selecting the CD. Motion carried.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Sara North to authorize the Investment Committee to rename some of the accounts to group investments together more logically. This renaming should not affect the total investment in each fund. Motion carried.

The City Financial Report was emailed.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Casey Welch to approve the Transfer Recommendation for July 2017 showing no transfer between accounts. Motion carried.

Sara North shared a conversation she had with Mr. Schweitzer concerning a letter Hallie Yundt Silver sent him.

The Board roster was included in the packet. Kim Ahrens made committee assignments for the fiscal year and asked Library Board members to check their addresses and phone numbers. The Finance Committee met on June 27, 2017, and its minutes were included in the packet. It was announced that the Investment Committee would meet on July 25, 2017, at 4 p.m.

The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Frank DiTillo to issue a proclamation thanking and honoring outgoing Trustee, David Clayton. Motion carried.

Discussion followed concerning the three forms that needed to be filed for State Aid Certification. Hallie Yundt Silver announced that she and Amber Baxter were scheduled to have the State Aid Application notarized on July 13, 2017. Hallie Yundt Silver went on to state that she and Kim Ahrens would sign the List of Trustees. Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Sara North to approve the signing of the Public Library Certification of Compliance by Kim Ahrens and Hallie Yundt Silver. Motion carried.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Frank DiTillo to set the date Ad Valorem Property Tax Public Hearing to September 12, 2017, to occur immediately before the regular monthly meeting, and to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to place the legal ad. Motion carried.

Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Sara North to adopt resolutions authorizing action by any two of the following: Kim Ahrens, Amber Baxter, Frank DiTillo, and Hallie Yundt Silver. The resolution requested should cover the following institutions and accounts: Ally Bank (AMG/Prospera CD), Amex Centurion (AMG/Prospera CD), Arbitrage Management Group/Prospera (money market account, investments through Brad Lukens), Capital One (AMG/Prospera CD), Central State Bank (CD), Comenity Capital Bank (AMG/Prospera CD), Compass Bank (AMG/Prospera CD), Discover Bank (AMG/Prospera CD), F&M Bank and Trust Company (safety deposit boxes, CDs), HNB (Infinity account), Home Bank (CD), Macon Atlanta State Bank (CD), RCS Bank (CDs), US Bank (CDs), and Wells Fargo (AMG/Prospera CD). Motion carried.

Discussion followed on the Strategic Planning Grant and the selection process for the Marketing Analyst Consultant. Kim Ahrens appointed Frank DiTillo, Sara North, and Hallie Yundt Silver to the Ad Hoc committee.

Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(3) "Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…" Motion carried (Roll call (all ayes): Sara North, Lauren Youse, Casey Welch, Frank DiTillo, and Kim Ahrens)

There was consensus that Hallie Yundt Silver need not complete FMLA paperwork for her husband’s cataract surgery on July 20th and 27th. Discussion followed that concluded that paperwork could be completed should there be complications.

Moved by Sara North and supported by Lauren Youse to waive the Library’s usual hiring procedures so Caitlin Greathouse may be appointed Assistant Director, effective September 4th, increase Amber Cooley’s and Toni Rose’s hours to twenty-four per week, effective September 4th, and to replace Caitlin’s vacant Associate 2 position by the hiring of two new Associates 1 hired to work twenty hours per week, effective October 1st, all provided Claire Ehrlich’s tentative offer is finalized and she accepts another position. Discussion followed that Caitlin would receive an additional 13.34 hours of vacation in calendar year 2017 with her promotion. Motion carried (Roll call (all ayes): Sara North, Lauren Youse, Casey Welch, Frank DiTillo, and Kim Ahrens)

Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to exit closed session. Motion carried (Roll call (all ayes): Sara North, Lauren Youse, Casey Welch, Frank DiTillo, and Kim Ahrens)

The meeting was opened at 6:15 p.m.

Casey Welch brought up the Library’s need for a defibrillator. Hallie Yundt Silver said she would look into its purchase.

Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Lauren Youse to adjourn. Motion carried.

The Library Board adjourned at 6:17 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary




Kim Ahrens, President