The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, June 1, 2017, immediately following its Public Hearing on the Budget at 5:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present: Kim Ahrens, J’Nelle Lee, Sara A. North, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Amber Baxter, David Clayton, Frank DiTillo, and Casey Welch.  Also Present:  Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director


Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting.  She called it to order at 5:19 p.m.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Minutes of the meeting of May 9, 2017, and make the following corrections to the Minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2017:  Sheila Dennehy was not present at the April meeting; the footer on the Minutes needs to be corrected to read April 11, 2017.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Claims for the first half of June 2017 in the amount of $81,070.18.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Investment Report for May 2017.  Discussion followed concerning a missing interest check from US Bank, which is being reissued.  Motion carried. 


The City Financial Report was emailed.


Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Transfer Recommendation for June 2017 showing no transfer between accounts.  Motion carried.


No Committees had met.  Discussion followed on the need for the Finance Committee to meet at the end of June and the Investment Committee after July 24th.  David Clayton’s announcement about not being able to accept reappointment was discussed and it was decided to await the Mayor’s decision before setting up a possible meeting of the Nominating Committee.


It was discovered that the written Director’s Report was not included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver provided a brief oral report.  She stated that tentative offers were made to Jessica Voepel as Shelver and Andrea Reinwald as Associate 1.  She thanked Kim Ahrens in advance for her help with the Wednesday Children’s Shows.  And, she reported on the purchase from Capital Equipment Computer Upgrade & Replace with possible carryover to next year of a new server estimated at $3,727 and the upgrade an older server estimated at $888.


Moved by Sara North and supported by Lauren Youse to adopt the FY2017-2018 operating budget, balanced at $878,997 with $40,000 additional expenditure from Capital Outlay Reserves and $5,000 from previous years’ surplus revenue to be invested as Capital Outlay Reserves.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by J’Nelle Lee to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to oversee the final expenditures of the FY2016-2017 budget, making adjustments to individual accounts but not overspending the bottom line of $851,115.  Motion carried.


Hallie Yundt Silver read the proposed Slate of Officers for FY2017-2018:  Kim Ahrens as President, Tom Prater as Vice-President, Amber Baxter as Treasurer, and Sara North as Secretary.  She reported that Tom Prater made two requests but received no Nominations from the Floor at the May meeting.  Kim Ahrens called the third time for Nominations from the Floor. 


Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by J’Nelle Lee to close nominations and elect the proposed Slate of Officers by acclaim.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Tom Prater to authorize the Library Board’s Finance Committee to approve the Claims for the second half of June 2017, and to further authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to submit the Claims without approval should the Committee not be able to attain a quorum.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by J’Nelle Lee to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to seek funding for the Strategic Planning process wherever it may be found.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Lauren Youse to authorize the acceptance of any offers of $40 or more on any of the surplus computers.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by J’Nelle Lee to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The Library Board adjourned at 5:46 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary






Kim Ahrens, President