March 14, 2017


The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, J’Nelle Lee, Sara A. North, Tom Prater, Casey Welch, Lauren Youse. Absent: Amber Baxter, David Clayton.  Also Present:  Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director, and Sheila Dennehy, IT Manager


Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting.  She called it to order at 5:06 p.m.


Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Tom Prater to enter Executive Session pursuant to RSMO 610.021(21) Records that identify the configuration of components or the operation of a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network, and would allow unauthorized access to or unlawful disruption of a computer, computer system, computer network, or telecommunications network of a public governmental body,” Admitting Hallie Yundt Silver and Sheila Dennehy.  Motion carried.  Roll call (all ayes):  Frank DiTillo, Casey Welch, Tom Prater, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Kim Ahrens. 


The Library Board entered Executive Session at 5:07 p.m.  Lauren Youse arrived at 5:08 p.m.


The Library’s network infrastructure was discussed.  No actions were taken.


Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Casey Welch to leave closed session.  Motion carried.  Roll call (all ayes):  Frank DiTillo, Casey Welch, Tom Prater, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Kim Ahrens. 


The Library Board meeting re-opened at 5:25 p.m.  Sheila Dennehy left the meeting at that time.


Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Frank DiTillo to approve the Minutes of the meeting of February 14, 2017  Motion carried.


Final Claims for March 2017 were distributed.  Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Frank DiTillo to approve the Claims for March in the amount of $60,494.13.  Motion carried.  Roll call:  Frank DiTillo-aye, Casey Welch-abstain, Lauren Youse-aye, Tom Prater-aye, J’Nelle Lee-aye, Sara North-aye, Kim Ahrens-aye)


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Investment Report for February 2017.  Motion carried.


The City Financial Report was emailed with the financial packet. 


The Transfer Recommendation for March 2017 was distributed.  Hallie Yundt Silver reported that no approval was sought.  She said it was probable that the check run for March Claims was done before the Balance on Hand was calculated, meaning that there might be $19,312.56 more in the account that the Transfer Recommendation shows. 

There was no Correspondence.


Minutes of meetings of the Library Personnel & Services and the Building & Grounds Committees were included in the packet.  Committee assignments were discussed.  It was noted that the Building & Grounds Committee would meet on March 25 to work on the flower beds, and the Library Personnel & Services Committee would meet on March 27, 2017. 


The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver added the following:



Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Frank DiTillo to request to continue to be included in the City’s audit for FY17-18 and beyond.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Casey Welch to accept donation of the Silver Family Fund by Hallie Yundt Silver and Gary Lee Silver be used to purchase children’s picture books and pay for local history digitizing and/or preservation projects.   Motion carried. 


Lauren Youse left at 5:57 p.m.


Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to table amending Chapter 3 of the Library Personnel Manual.  Motion carried.


The Library Board worked as a Committee of the Whole to start planning the Budget for FY2017-2018.  Discussed and reviewed were Professional Development, Contracts, Revenues, and Expenditures. 


Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to adjourn.  Motion carried. 


The Library Board adjourned at 6:26 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary






Kim Ahrens, President