MINUTES OF THE MEETING of August 14, 2018
The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting, at 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Annie Dixon, Roy Hark, J’Nelle Lee, Tom Prater, Casey Welch, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Sara A. North. Also Present: Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director.
Library Board President Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting. She called it to order at 5:00 p.m.
Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Casey Welch to approve the Minutes of the meeting of July 10, 2018, correcting the first paragraph to read "July 10th." Motion carried.
Claims for the first part of August were distributed. The complete MasterCard statement for July and the credit card spreadsheet were included in the packet. Hallie Yundt Silver reported that she anticipated receiving BOLD’s final invoice toward the end of the month. She said $3,013 remained in LSTA on the Strategic Planning grant, which must be spent by August 31st, and that the remainder of BOLD’s invoice woud need to be paid from local funds, per the grant budget. She indicated that the total Claim will be in the neighborhood of $4,968, and reminded the Library Board that authorization to Strategic Planning Committee was requested later on the agenda. She went on to report that $17.23 was left to spend in the Summer 18 grant, which will be spent by credit card by the grant deadline of August 15th.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Annie Dixon to approve the Claims for the first part of August in the amount of $xxx and the MasterCard claim for July in the amount of xxx. Discussion followed concerning the invoice for the book sale ad in the Hannibal Courier Post, which printed last year’s book sale ad. Hallie Yundt Silver recommend that it be paid despite the error. Motion carried.
Moved by Roy Hark and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Investment Report. Discussion followed on the changes made to the Report by the Investment Committee. Motion carried.
The City Financial Report was included in the packet.
The Transfer Recommendation was distributed. Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Frank DiTillo to approve the Transfer Recommendation for August 2018, showing no transfer between accounts. Motion carried.
Hallie Yundt Silver reported she had sent a letter banning a patron from the Library property for a month due to his behavior.
The Investment Committee met on August 9th, and minutes were included in the packet. Hallie Yundt Silver indicated she would email to set dates for Building and Grounds and the Strategic Planning Committee meetings. She reported that the other committees had been scheduled to meet.
The written Director’s Report was included in the packet. Discussion followed on Strategic Planning.
Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Casey Welch to amend last month’s motion to read as follows: Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Casey Welch to do a resolution to authorize the rental of a larger safety deposit box at F&M, to discontinue rental of the two smaller boxes, and to authorize any two of the following four people to access the all of safety deposit boxes at F&M: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, Hallie Yundt Silver, and Caitlin Greathouse. Further moved to do a resolution to authorizing any two of the following four people to purchase and redeem CDs: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, and Hallie Yundt Silver. Recommend further that this resolution apply to accounts already established at the following financial institutions: Arbitrage Management Group, F&M Bank and Trust Company, Commerce Bank and its Capital Markets Group, SaintsAvenue Bank, US Bank, Central State Bank, and Macon
Atlanta State Bank. Further moved to do a resolution to authorize any two of the following four people as signatories on the money market account at HNB: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, and Hallie Yundt Silver. Further moved to remove Amber Baxter as a signatory on all existing accounts. Motion carried.
Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Roy Hark to waive the Procurement Policy to allow the purchase of a book return from Kingsley. Motion carried.
The Designated Accounts spreadsheet was distributed and discussed.
Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Annie Dixon to authorize the Strategic Planning Committee to accept BOLD Marketing’s Report and to approve 2nd Claims for August 2018. Motion carried.
Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Frank DiTillo to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to place a legal ad and solicit proposals for a Carpet Consultant. Motion carried.
Kim Ahrens read the following statement: The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(12) "…sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are rejected…""
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to enter Executive Session. Motion carried. (Roll call (all ayes): Frank Ditillo, Roy Hark, Casey Welch, J’Nelle Lee, Tom Prater, Annie Dixon, Kim Ahrens)
The Library Board entered Executive Session at 5:42 p.m.
J’Nelle Lee left at 5:50 p.m.
Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Annie Dixon to decline BOLD Marketing’s proposal for additional focus groups. Motion carried. (Roll call (all ayes): Annie Dixon, Tom Prater, Lauren Youse, Casey Welch, Roy Hark, Frank DiTillo, Kim Ahrens)
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Casey Welch to leave Executive Session and open the meeting. Motion carried. (Roll call (all ayes): Annie Dixon, Tom Prater, Lauren Youse, Casey Welch, Roy Hark, Frank DiTillo, Kim Ahrens)
The Library Board entered Open Session at 5:59 p.m.
Discussion followed on the Courier Post’s proposed donation and Quincy Public Library’s vending machine.
Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to adjourn. Motion carried.
The Library Board adjourned at 6:04 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Kim Ahrens, President