MINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 14, 2020
The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting at 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 14, 2020, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Frank DiTillo, J’Nelle Lee, Sara A. North, Tom Prater, Casey Welch, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Kim Ahrens, Annie Dixon, and Roy Hark. Also Present: Assistant Director Caitlin Greathouse and Library Director Hallie Yundt Silver.
Tom Prater chaired the meeting. He called it to order at 5:00 p.m.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Sara North to approve the Minutes of the meeting of December 10, 2019. Motion carried.
Claims for January 2020 in the amount of $41,689.50 were distributed. MasterCard claims in the amount of $2,368.18 were included in the main packet. Hallie Yundt Silver reported on several expenditures, including membership renewals in several associations, service to the fire alarm system, roof (MHE is Rutherford’s new name), and some electrical work. She went on to report that the audit is included on the Claims list, but it has already been paid via journal entry. Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the total Claims for January 2020 in the amount of $44,057.68. Motion carried.
Investments were discussed. There was consensus that although the Library has quite a bit of cash at HomeBank and F&M, no investment decisions would be made until next month when the cost of the carpet project should be known. Frank DiTillo reported on his study of the different accounts.
Moved by Frank Ditillo and supported by Sara North to accept the Investment Report for December 2019, correcting November 30th to December 31st on page 6. Motion carried.
The City Financial Report was included in the packet.
The Transfer Recommendation for January 2020 was distributed. Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Casey Welch to approve the Recommendation showing no transfer of funds. Motion carried.
It was noted that Hallie Yundt Silver’s letter in reply to the recent Request for Reconsideration was included in the packet. No other Correspondence was reported.
Committee Reports followed. It was noted that the packet included Minutes of meetings of the Library Personnel & Services the Building & Grounds Committees.
The Director’s written report was included in the packet. Hallie Yundt Silver reported additionally that the date for film showing of Harriet had changed and that it was time to order Summer Reading t-shirts and other promotional items. She invited Library Board participation.
Tom Prater read the following statement: “The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(3), “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…” and RSMO 610.021 (12) Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened; and sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are rejected…”
Moved by Sara North and supported by Frank DiTillo to enter Closed Session. Motion carried. (Roll call (all ayes): Frank DiTillo, Casey Welch, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse)
The meeting was closed at 5:25 p.m.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Lauren Youse to exit Closed Session. Motion carried. (Roll call (all ayes): Frank DiTillo, Casey Welch, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse)
The meeting re-opened at 5:57 p.m.
Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey Welch to declare the following items surplus and recycle them: Two Netgear switches and the Cisco Pix 501 Firewall. Further moved to declare the following items surplus when replaced: four floor rockers in Teen Zone, six red toddler chairs, ten red youth chairs, and the portable wall in Assistant Director’s cubicle area. Further moved to declare two audiocassette players surplus, set $5 each as a price, and offer them at book sales. Further moved to declare the following surplus and offer them at the next City Auction: Handsets from telephone system replaced in 2019 and the chalkboard in the Children’s Room. Motion carried.
Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Casey Welch to table consideration of the Summer LSTA Grants. Discussion followed concerning emailing for approval once the announcement was made. Motion carried.
Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Casey Welch to approve weather-related closings on December 16, 2019, and on January 11, 2020. Motion carried.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Sara North to accept the Audit for 2019. Motion carried.
Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Lauren Youse to request continued participation in the City’s audit contract. Motion carried.
There was consensus that Hallie Yundt Silver should prepare and/or oversee the preparation of a landscaping RFQ.
Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Casey Welch to waive the Library’s Meeting Space Policy and authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to book the Woman’s Club Room for the U. S. Census Bureau to use to train recruits on number of days in February and March provided the Room is available due to the Carpet Project. Motion carried with Tom Prater abstaining.
Discussion followed on VITA’s use of the Library’s meeting rooms for tax preparation assistance in February and March.
Caitlin Greathouse reported that the doors at the traditional entrance would be refinished by Patriot Painting.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Casey Welch to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
Tom Prater, Vice-President