MINUTES OF THE MEETING of January 17, 2023
The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting, at 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, in the meeting rooms on the 3rd Floor at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401.
Present were Annie Dixon, Frank DiTillo (5:10 p.m.), Roy Hark, Gordon Ipson, Laura Judlowe, Kevin Knickerbocker J’Nelle Lee, Raymond Lee, and Sara A. North. Also present were Paul Westerhoff of Architechnics, Hallie Yundt Silver and Caitlin Greathouse.
J’Nelle Lee chaired the Library Board meeting. She called it to order at 5:04 p.m.
Gordon Ipson presented the Library with a donation two busts and two statuettes of girls reading books. He indicated they were bequests of his wife, Dale Ipson.
Annie Dixon provided a statement concerning her qualifications to be on the Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees.
Moved by Kevin Knickerbocker and supported by Roy Hark to handle New Business C, "Summer 23 Grants," before New Business B, "Budget." Motion carried.
Paul Westerhoff updated the cost estimate from Architechnics for the Library’s Roof & Skylight Project. Hallie Yundt Silver was instructed to provide the Library Board with the Capital Improvements budget detail at the next meeting. Paul Westerhoff left he meeting at 5:15 p.m.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Annie Dixon to approve the Minutes of the meeting of December 13, 2022. Motion carried.
Distributed were Final Claims for January 2023 in the amount of $52,930.65. The credit card claim in the amount of $811.18 was included in the main packet. Included in this month’s claims were American Library Association and Early Bird Kiwanis dues, snow plowing, plumbing repairs, copy paper from Golden Ruler, and the staff logo shirt order, which will be reimbursed. Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Annie Dixon to approve the Claims for November 2022 in the amount of $53,741.83. Motion carried.
Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Investment Reports for December 2022. Motion carried.
Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Annie Dixon to authorize the
Investment Committee to reinvest proceeds from F&M CD’s that mature in January and February, depending on Cash Flow needs. Motion carried.The City Financial Reports for December 2022 was included in the financial packet.
Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Transfer Recommendation for January 2023, showing the transfer of $5,000 from Cash Flow to Capital Outlay, per the budget. Motinn carried.
There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.
Hallie Yundt Silver provided the Investment Committee report. She indicated minutes were in the main packet. She added that the FHLB, a Sallie Mae, was purchased in the amount of $45,000, and CD’s from BMW Bank were purchased in the amounts of $60,000 and $15,000 because of FDIC limits. She said that the total investment was $120,000.
The Director’s written monthly report was included in the main packet. Hallie Yundt Silver went on to report the following:
A Kazoo parade throughout the building was planned for Saturday morning, January 28th
Toni returned on January 11th to work 12 hours per week on light duty
Although we continued to experience illness, we made it through December without needing to "borrow" personal day leave from 2023.
Hallie Yundt Silver recommended continuing to table consideration of the By-Laws.
Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Roy Hark to amend the 2023 Schedule of Operations to move Library Planning Day to Thursday, April 20th. Motion carried.
Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Gordon Ipson to accept the 2023 Summer LSTA grants in the amounts of $8,475 and $195.47. Motion carried.
Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Annie Dixon to amend the FY22-23 Budget to include:
80.1014 Taxes, Financial Institution, $2,056 decreased from original budget of $3,386
80.1097, State Aid, $12,077 increased from $8,958
80.1098, State Aid-A&E, $7,070.
80.1099, Federal Grants (LSTA), $15,416 increased from $3,589
80.60.104, Social Security, $32,930 decreased from $32,954
80.60.105, Hospitalization, $75,329 decreased from $80,129 since no increase in January
80.60.116, Wages, Part-Time, $126,677 decreased from $126,987
Various, Materials & Programs, $105,922 increased from $97,352 due to LSTA and A&E. Long standing practice of Library Board approval of the total with Library Director adjusting individual expenditure lines not to exceed budgeted amount.
80.60.231, Telephone, $5,381 increased from $4,634 since there were delays in implementing VOIP.
80.60.238, Printing & Advertising, $4,560 increased from $3,360 due to reduction in LSTA request
80.60.530 Federal Grants, $5,859 increased from $3,500 due to Summer 23 LSTA
Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Sara North to instruct Hallie Yundt Silver to look further into the FY21-22 Audit. Motion carried.
Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by approve the Library’s emergency closure on December 22, 2022, due to inclement weather and to authorize pay for staff who were scheduled to work that day. Motion carried.
Moved by Kevin Knickerbocker and supported by Gordon Ipson to approve the amended Drug-Free Workplace Policy as proposed but removing the duplicate sentence. Motion carried.
Discussion followed on providing Non-Resident borrower’s cards for students in Hannibal schools. Hallie Yundt Silver was instructed to provide an amended Borrower’s policy for the Library Board’s consideration.
There was consensus to allow Closed Sessions to be handled over ZOOM or other social media.
J’Nelle Lee read the following statement: "The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(3) "Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…" and (19) "Existing or proposed security systems and structural plans of real property owned or leased by a public body…the public disclosure of which would threaten public safety."
Moved by Kevin Knickerbocker and supported by Gordon Ipson to enter Executive Session, admitting Caitlin Greathouse and Hallie Yundt Silver. Motion carried. (roll call (all ayes): Ray Lee, Gordon Ipson, Frank DiTillo, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Kevin Knickerbocker, Roy Hark, Annie Dixon, Laura Judlowe)
The Library Board entered Executive Session at 6:05 p.m., and the meeting was closed. Executive Session ended and the meeting re-opened at 6:56 p.m.
Seeing no further business appearing before the board Gordon Ipson moved to adjourn the meeting. Roy Hark second. Motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 6:58 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary
J’Nelle Lee, President