Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees & Effective:  March 10, 2020


This statement establishes the policy and the procedure that Hannibal Free Public Library uses to approve changes to the design requirements and/or the scope of construction.  Modeled on the City of Hannibal’s ordinance governing change orders on City contracts, this statement provides guidance to the Library, its staff and board, and to its contractors.


“Change Order” shall mean a written instrument that the Library and the Contractor approve to state the Library’s and Contractor’s agreement for a change in the Work. All Change Orders shall specify the method of payment, if any. All Change Orders shall specify adjustments in the Contract Sum and/or Contract Time, if any.


“Minor Revisions” are changes not requiring change order, but still requiring a written agreement.  Whether an increase in the work that does not also represent an increase in price should be a Change Order or Minor Revision is always a judgment call by the Library Director and/or the Library Board’s Building Committee Chair.


Change Orders cannot approve every increase to the scope of work. Any revision of the contract that requires an increase in the price or the work that is greater than 25% of the total contract amount may require separate bidding, contract, etc. The 25% change applies to any actual individual change order or to the accumulated changes that could be anticipated.


Liquidated damages questions and discussions with the contractor should not be put off to the end of the project. Liquidated Damages should be addressed in a change order in a timely fashion.


The execution of a "Change Order" is required by the Hannibal Free Public Library Board to change the design requirements and/or the scope of construction which in turn requires an adjustment of the Contract Amount or Contract Time (time of construction).  A proposed Change Order will be considered:


1)   For changes in work required by the Library.

2)   When essential design/work has been inadvertently omitted.

3)   To correct errors in plans and specifications.

4)   To correct design/work when concealed conditions in existing facilities are exposed and found to differ from construction documents or available information.

5)   When unavoidable events or weather cause delays and the need for additional time for completion of work.


All change orders shall be proposed in writing by the Architect or contractor in the event that the construction does not involve an architect.  Change Orders shall be executed in advance of the proposed work being performed by the contractor.


All change orders shall first be approved by the Library Board and executed on behalf of the Library by the Library Director; however, certain change orders may be executed on behalf of the Library by the Library Director without Library Board approval, provided:


1) Both the Library Director and the Chair of the Library Board’s Building & Grounds Committee concur on approval of the change order;

2) The change order does not exceed $4,600.00; and

3) The change order does not exceed five percent of the current contract amount.


In the absence of the Library Director, the Assistant Director may execute a change order.




The Library Board of Trustees is authorized through Missouri State Statutes (RSMo 182.200) to have “…the exclusive control of all moneys collected to the credit of the library fund, and of the construction of any library building, and of the supervision, care and custody of the grounds, rooms or buildings constructed, leased, or set apart for that purpose….”