Rush Cemetery a Biography of People Interred

Compiled by Patti Bowen McClelland February 13, 2023

A monograph work in progress

Frances Amburn #34628723


Daughter of Joseph Shothoff

Husband Elmer Amburn 03-13-1902 – 12-06-1965 his occupation-laborer with Gas Company, he is buried at Mt Olivet Cemetery. He died in a fire at his home.

Mrs. Elmer Amburn age 32 of Rt. 1 Moline, IL. She was sick for two years and died at her sister, Mae Jackson’s home, who was caring for her.  She was married to Elmer in Hannibal on September 21, 1927. She left behind two sons:  Robert and Donald Lee, and a daughter Gail Virginia. After her death she was taken to Wenlt Funeral Home in Moline, IL. Information was taken from her Obituary in Rock Island Argus newspaper published September 16, 1942


Harry Armstrong 34629140


Son of JJ Armstrong


Jesse Armstrong 19497065

1818 - 14 Jan 1888 His father is: George Armstrong 1788-1860

His Mother is: Margaret Peggy Conway -1790-1842 (Conway’s of Boonsboro, KY) for additional research of this family:


Jesse Armstrong is the Father of Ida May Armstrong that married 1st Charles Bowen.

Jesse Served in the Civil War in the 2nd and 11th Calvary, MSM information taken from Fold3 and The National Parks service:


Jesse J. “JJ” Armstrong   34629140

2 January 1818 - 14 January 1888

Obit states he lived at 805 Bridge St., Hannibal. Wife Pearl Andrex-Armstrong, His parents were Mary A. Campbell; Father was Jesse Armstrong of IL. His Children are Carrie Toolate, Hazel Seward, Woodrow Armstrong, and Harry Armstrong of Quincy, IL; A Sister Ida Gaskill.


Mary Amanda Campbell- Armstrong 19241494

26 July - 21 Dec 1917 Died of Phenomena

Wife of Jesse Armstrong

Mother of Ida Gaskill

Daughter of Joseph Campbell, D. Louisville, KY

She married first Thompson/Thomson, had son of William H. Thompson and Joseph Thompson; Second she married Jesse Armstrong 25 July 1868, she and Jesse had 3 children Ida May, Mary Elizabeth and Jesse J.


John Thomas Bainter 139044590

19 Aug. 1864-21 May 1924

Parents are F. George Bainter and Ada Bainter

8 Children, William, James, Gracie, Mary, Jesse, Roy, Geraldine, Walter.  Wife died in 1913.

John Bainter, Married 2nd,  Ada G. West 1917, she is buried at Grandview.  He and Helen had one daughter, Helen Virginia, D. 1924 in Prarie Du Rocher, IL—He was brought to Mo and buried at Rush

His trade: Lumberjack


Susan Matilda Darnell Bainter 34629430

6 Apr. 1870-21 June 1913

1st wife of John T Bainter

Post Partum Hemorrhage

Lack of medic al attention

Mo. Death Certificate#20585

No grave photo


George Washington Ballenger 106387362

10 Sept. 1843-6 July 1918

Informant Mrs.  Martha J. Collins-Ballenger

Withers Mill, Mo.


Martha Jane Collins- Ballenger 106386770

Wife of Geo. Ballenger, b. Pike County, IL; Her Father: Samuel Collins, Her Mother: Rosie Howie. Informant: Flora Neff, Dr. Basket/Bronchitis/Senility. Children: George E. & Ida.


John Betz 34629611 age 57

314 Bird St., Married Barbara, 1898, He was born in Germany

Age 27 he lived on Grand Avenue, Hannibal, Occupation-Cement plant, Barbara age 53, Daughter

Anna M. - age 19 in 1920 Census.


Henry Horace Blanchard 106864656

Age 73 Informant Artie Griffen, COD:  Paralyzed, Married Sara J 1886, Lived in Round Grove, Mo.

1900 Census shows Henry born in Vermont, Wife Sara J, and Goldie Milam 15, Artie Griffin age 11.


Adelcia L. Bowen 28001059

1870-1876 she was only 7 years old when she died.  Adelcia was the daughter of Stephen Decatur and Mary Catherine Hayes.


Allie D Bowen 34624524

Unknown birth-22 Dec 1871

Work in progress


Charles C Bowen 33374828

28 July- Nov. 1901

Son of Theodore Polk Bowen

1st Husband of Ida May Armstrong Bowen Gibson Gaskill.

Charles was the father of Harley Henry Bowen and Gladys Bowen.


Child Bowen 28001060

1 April 1865 – 1866


Emily F. Bowen 28001063

Emily was the daughter of John C Bowling and Hannah Hines.

Emily was the 1st wife of Theodore Polk Bowen.


Emma L. Bowen 28001067

27 April 1883 – 5 June 1883

Work in progress


George Edward Bowen 33615348

Age 62, Husband of Mary C. Dean, a farmer born in Hancock, IL, His father is Andrew Bowen from Baltimore, MD.  Mother is Martha E. Glenn, Marion County, Mo. He died of cirrhosis of the liver/arterial sclerosis.  They lived on N. River Road/Bay Bottom Farmer


Gladys Bowen 34623726

Gladys who died of a snake bite in July 1901 at age 7 was the daughter of Ida May and Charles Bowen.  Obituary for Gladys from Hannibal Weekly Journal, July 13, 1901. Snake bites little girl, Gladys the Seven year old Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bowen was attacked by a reptile at their country home in Miller township, yesterday. The little one brought to the city for treatment. One of the most pitiful scenes that have been witnessed on the streets of Hannibal for many a long day was in evidence yesterday. It was a little girl, drowsy and sad from a long siege of suffering. Lying quietly in her mother's fond arms and watched anxiously by a kind father. the story of the picture is this: Yesterday morning at about 9:30 O'clock, Mrs. Mary Armstrong and her little granddaughter Gladys the seven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen of Miller Township, were preparing to visit a neighbor, when the child, barefooted, ran out into the yard among the weeds and tall grass and she felt something sting her foot, running into the house informed the members of the household of the fact that a bee or something had stung her. All thought it were a bee or a wasp and nothing more was thought of the matter until grandma and the child started to make their visit, and then it was discovered that the injured foot of the little one had swollen to more than double its natural size, and that the leg was inflamed up to the knee, and the frightful thought dawned on the members of the home that Gladys had been bitten b y a snake. In an effort to guard against danger, the little girl was given whiskey taking three or four large drinks without the spirits having any observable effect. Gladys was brought to Hannibal for medical attention. Dr. EH Bounds was consulted and he did all he could. Dr. said it was probably a venomous snake that bit Gladys.


Harley Henry Bowen 33142602

21 December 1894 - 16 December 1966, Son of Charles and Ida Armstrong-Bowen, Father of Leslie C., Allie D. and Richard C. First husband of Bertha Violet Crouch “Layne” He was a cabinet maker by trade.


Henry F.  Bowen 28001062

24 November 1870 – 30 July 1871, Son of Theodore P. Bowen and Martha A. Campbell- Bowen


Ida F. Bowen 28001064 9 months old

Daughter of Theodore and Emily Bowen

Infant Daughter Bowen 34625168

A work in progress


Jennie M. Bowen 28001048

16 Dec. 1890 – 15 May 1892


Leslie Cleveland Bowen 33847596

4 August 1911 -19 November 1929 there is an oblong/flat stone with LESLIE on it believed to be his stone. Son of Harley and Bertha Bowen the death certificate states, pulmonary hemorrhage. He died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Leslie had tuberculosis and was sick for some time. His brothers’ Allie and Richard carried him to the doctor’s office and up the stairs of a building downtown.  He worked at the shoe factory at the time and lived with his grandmother Ida Gaskill from time to time. These three boys went from pillar to post and always knowing the love of their Mamaw-Ida.


Martha A. Campbell-Bowen 34624394

21 September 1853 – November 1889, Theodore Polk Bowen’s 2nd wife. Mother of Henry F. (1871-1871)

Albert 1874, William (Willy) 1876-1876, Marion Baston 1878-1957,

Infant 1881-1881, Eva Orlena 1884-1926, Virginia C. 1887-1975


Mary Bowen 28001052

A work in progress


Mary C. Hayes 34624089

1845 -2 March 1874 M. Stephen Decatur Bowen 13 December 1864.  Her parents are Robert C. Hays and Jane Hays. According to the1860 census, her brothers are Samuel and Archibald from Philadelphia, Mo.


Mary Catherine Dean Bowen 33387036, Wife of George Edward Bowen, Her father is William Henry Dean. Her son is Samuel Bowen who married Lillian Chase. March 1915

Her Grandson is Marion A Bowen, age 23 who was hit and killed by a B&D N. of the Wabash Bridge train, an inquest was held. , he was a crane operator by trade.


Maud Bowen 28001051

1892-1893 Maud died of brain congestion, Dr. Basket this information was taken from a list of burials found in the court house basement by the Haygoods.


Sallie E. Anderson Bowen 280001057

2nd wife of Stephen Decatur Bowen and mother of Eldora K. Bowen


Serena Bowen  28001066

9 December 1880 1 January 1881

A work in progress


Stephen Decatur Bowen 33659968

14 January – 8 September 1911, Stephen D. is the son of Stephen M Bowen and Margaret C. Tarr of Snow Hill, MD. He is the brother of Theodore Polk Bowen. He married Catherine Hays in 1864; their children are Owen and Adelcia.

Owen (Onie) became a judge and married Miss Kriegbaum. He married 2nd Sallie E. Anderson 1875 had a child, Eldora K. Bowen. He married third Annie Schultz 1881. Their child is Amelia. Stephen was a farmer and Marion County sheriff for several years.


Stephen M. Bowen - 228071797

Born 1810 in Snow Hill, MD – Died 20 Feb. 1845 Husband of Margaret Catherine Tarr- Bowen.  Margaret and Stephen had four children, Jessie, William M. Bowen, Stephen Decatur Bowen and Theodore Polk Bowen. After the death of her husband, Margaret married Richard Kirby and they had 7 more children. When Stephen died, Peter P Rush is listed as the Administrator for the selling of his property in Hannibal. This is listed in the Tri Weekly Messenger, page 3, dated 25 August 1857.


Sergeant, Theodore Polk Bowen 33375690

Born 7 July 1843

2nd Regiment Union Calvary, M.S.M Company E.

11th Regiment Cavalry, MSM Company I.

Superior Officers: General John Schofield and Captain Henry C. Gentry
On November 6, 1861 Governor Gamble reached an agreement with President Lincoln to form a new full-time militia that was financed by the United States but under the control of the Missouri governor with officers financed by him. This New Missouri State Militia (MSM) would cooperate with Federal commanders but would not be subject to service outside the state except when necessary to directly defend it.

The new MSM was primarily a mounted force of about 10,000 men active throughout the Civil War. The MSM was necessary to defend against the guerrillas, recruiters and raiders that were infiltrating further and further into northern Mo.
Militia Cavalry units participated in most of the significant engagements in the state of Missouri from 1862 to 1864.   Governor Hamilton R. Gamble, praised the MSM as being “Very efficient.” General John Schofield specifically complimented them in regards to drill, discipline and efficiency.

Theodore “Polk” Bowen enlisted February 12, 1862 at Hannibal, Mo. He provided his own horse and weapon. He Mustered November 1, 1862 at Monticello, Mo. He attained the rank of Corporal on April 10, 1862. His regiment consolidated with the 2nd Regiment Cavalry on September 1, 1862, and later was assigned to the 11th Regiment Cavalry attaining the rank of Sergeant. Polk Mustered out March 10, 1865.

Theodore Polk. Bowen, the youngest of three brothers, was born on July 7, 1843 in Marion County Mo.; on a farm N.W. of Hannibal. His parents Stephen M. and Margaret Catherine-Tarr Bowen from Snow Hill Maryland traveled east to Missouri and settled in the rich farmland of the Mississippi Valley.

Theodore’s grandparents were William Fleming Bowen and Zipporah Truitt-Burbage-Bowen from Maryland. William settled in Knox County, Mo. His land in Salt river Township was deeded October 2, 1839. His son, William also lived in Knox where he was a member of the Edina lodge, No. 176, IOOF and held the position of Grand Secretary. He was the superintendent of the Edina Roller Mill Company that was organized in 1883 and erected in 1884. William also established the Woolen Mills Plant that produced denim, wool for blankets and flannel. This was the only industry of its kind in the country; west of the Mississippi.

Soon after the Civil War ended Polk married Emily F. Bowling. Emily was born April 14, 1845 in Ralls County, Mo., to John Bowling and Sarah Hines-Bowling. Sarah died March 14, 1871 in Marion County, Mo. Emily and Polk had two children Ida F. Bowen b: Feb.18, 1866; d: Nov. 10, 1867 and Charles G. Bowen b: July 28, 1868 d: Nov 1901

Polk next married Emma (A last name is unknown to me). They had one child, Henry F. b: Nov. 24, 1870 d: July 30, 1871. His third wife Martha A. Campbell-Bowen Married in 1873 she was b: Sept. 21, 1853 d: Nov 22, 1889 in Marion Co. Mo. Two children were born; Albert b: 1874 and Marion b: 1879.

William M. Bowen, the eldest of the brothers born in Maryland July 1840 d: April 13, 1907 was one of Marion County’s best known citizens. He was known as “The Cabbage King” and operated one of the most extensive cabbage farms in Northeast, Mo.

Stephen Decatur Bowen was the middle child born on the family farm just west of the Mississippi river. He loved farming and ranching as did his forefathers before him from Maryland. Stephen D. was Marion County Sheriff and served as a Road Commissioner for several years. His son, Owen Bowen became a municipal judge in Palmyra, Mo.

During his lifetime Theodore Polk Bowen did many things. After his term in the Civil War he owned a grocery store, worked for the railroad and was a carpenter. At the end of his life, he became very ill and in so much pain that he was transported to the Leavenworth, KS Soldier’s home. April 18, 1909 at age 75, he passed away from chronic nephritis and carcinoma in his stomach. His nephew, Judge Owen “Oney” Bowen went to Ft. Leavenworth to finalize the arrangements then returned by train with his body to Hannibal; where he was laid to rest at the residence of his brother, Stephen D. Bowen. His body was taken for burial at Rush cemetery next to his family.


Walter Andrew Bowen 33648125

28 October 1885- 4 March 1910; 24 years old at death. Parents: George Edward and Mary C Dean. Informant: George Edward, Hancock, IL he was sick 2 years. His grandfather is Andrew I Bowen. This Information was taken from 1900 Illinois census.


William “Willy” Bowen 34593669,

29 August 1876-15 Sept. 1876 Willy was the Son of Theodore P. and Martha A. Bowen.


Amanda Myrtle Ledbetter-Breedlove 34629799 age 43

29 April 1877-1920 Parents: William and Margaret “Woodson” Ledbetter, Selby County, IL .

 Informant: George Breedlove, Married George Breedlove February 20, 1902 (Marion County Herald)


Claude William Breedlove 110484504 age 8 months

Child of George and Amanda, COD probably heart failure as stated on the death certificate.


George W. Breedlove 110484504 age 67

1222 Woodrow Ave. Widow- Amanda. Informant Miss Bertha Breedlove. His parents are unknown.


Mable E. Bunch 34665911-abt age 10

Parents: Rice Roy Bunch1859-1938 and Artemisia Thompson 1861-1893-

1900 Census, Adair, Mo. Brother:  Robert Orla Bunch 1888-1980


Martha Campbell 28001091

Unknown Birth, 8 May 1884

A work in progress


Mildred Pearl Closser 70508595 9 month old

Parents: Marion Closser and Pearl Jones Closser, Marion County


Samuel M. Daugherty 34667563

10 March 1904


Virginia Ann Daugherty 33952063

1 Jan 1888


Lucinda C Cosby Eaton 149006640 age 84

31 December 1929, Born Indiana, Husband: Henry Eaton, Father Cosby, Informant: Horace Eaton-grandson, she died of old age.


Myrtle Ethel Breedlove Foote 104242147 age 29

21 January 1909 - 6 August 1929, Myrtle is the Daughter of George Breedlove and Mandy, 6 siblings.


Orlin C Foote 104242344

23 December 1866- 12 April 1928, 112 ½ Broadway, Hannibal, and Informant & Wife: Emma Foote

Parents:  Emory & Lena Foote


Andrew Frisby 34666325 age 12

1870 Census: Mother Drasilla age 41, Edgan 18, + two siblings living with Richard Miller 22 and Jesse O Miller 19.


Frances Kizer Hufford Fugate 132678706 age 86

3 April 1872 – 7 March 1922, 806 Lyon St. Occupation: Shoe worker/box maker. Husband: Ollie/buried in Ashburn, Mo. Born in Ill. 1920 Census.


Mary A Fuget 334666417 age 86

Wife of Ruben, widow, Parents James Edd, born 13 May 1834-8 June 1920


Ruben Fuget 34666760 I found a draft registration for civil war. Born in Indiana, He was a possible confederate.

Probate records in Ralls-1766-1988 p. 79 will p. 89 letters are included! Find at Palmyra courthouse. I did not obtain these records.


Thomas Fugate, 34666610 age6

Parents: Ruben and Mary Ann, Sister Minnie age 8; 1880 Census


Ida May Armstrong, Bowen, Gibson, Gaskill-19241654


Born in Louisville, Jefferson Kentucky

Daughter of Mary Amanda Campbell-Armstrong and Jesse Armstrong

Married to Charles C. Bowen on Oct 1, 1889, they had two children, Harley Henry Bowen and Gladys who died of a snake bite in July 1901 at age 7.

Charles C died, 5 November, 1901

Ida Married Charles Gibson, 25 Sept. 1902, they had two children, Jesse D Gibson, Cynthia Mary Gibson.


Death of Ida’s husband Charles E Gibson 1908.

17 Jan 1908 He was shot in the head in self defense, with a .32 cal revolver, by his wife Ida. The prosecuting attorney deemed she shot in self defense. He died at Levering Hospital, 29 Jan and was buried at Rush Cemetery.

Ida May Armstrong married William Holden in Marion, Missouri, on July 29, 1909, when she was 37 years old. I did not find further mention of William Holden.

Ida May Armstrong married Henry Gaskill in Marion, Missouri, on February 8, 1919, when she was 47 years old. Her husband Henry passed away in 1929 in Marion, Missouri. They had been married 10 years. Her sister Mary Elizabeth died on July 7, 1939, in Hannibal, Missouri, when Ida May was 67 years old.

Her brother Jesse J Armstrong died on March 7, 1948, in Marion, Missouri, when Ida May was 76 years old. Ida May Armstrong (Gaskill) died on September 15, 1953, in Hannibal, Missouri, when she was 81 years old Ida May Armstrong, Bowen, Gibson, Gaskill-19241654

1871-1953  Born in Louisville, Jefferson Kentucky

Daughter of Mary Amanda Campbell-Armstrong and Jesse Armstrong

Married to Charles C. Bowen on Oct 1, 1889, they had two children, Harley Henry Bowen and Gladys who died of a snake bite in July 1901 at age 7.

Charles C died, 5 November, 1901

Ida Married Charles Gibson, 25 Sept. 1902, they had two children, Jesse D Gibson, Cynthia Mary Gibson.

Ida May Armstrong married Henry Gaskill in Marion, Missouri, on February 8, 1919, when she was 47 years old. Her husband Henry passed away in 1929 in Marion, Missouri. They had been married 10 years. Her sister Mary Elizabeth died on July 7, 1939, in Hannibal, Missouri, when Ida May was 67 years old.

Her brother Jesse J Armstrong died on March 7, 1948, in Marion, Missouri, when Ida May was 76 years old. Ida May Armstrong (Gaskill) died on September 15, 1953, in Hannibal, Missouri, when she was 81 years old


Alonzo Glenn Gibson 108663982, 1 July 1902-2 May 1932.  A work in progress


Emeline Douglas Gibson 34679505

17 October 1833-15 October 1874, Wife of James E Gibson, two children:  Theodore Polk age 9 and Menerva (Kizer) age 5 1870 Census. They lived next door to Parker Rush and on the other side of Rush is Mary Campbell property.


Harriet Rachael Hatton Gibson 21164325

Second wife of James E. Gibson (Gibson name Is misspelled in 1880 census)

Daughter Roberta age 21, Minnie 16, son Alvadore 8, Nephews:  Morris William 12, Franklin John.


Jesse A. Gibson 28001105 age 31

9 December 1903-30 January 1935

Occupation: shoe worker, Died after a long illness of 8 months. He was the son of Charles and Ida Gibson-Gaskill.


M. Gibson 28001105

Perhaps:  Morris or Minnie.  A work in progress


Theodore Polk Gibson 34679426

12 August 1861- 21 December 1870


Unknown Gibson 28001042

No dates


Isaac Harris 34681819

Parents: Daniel and Margaret, Fabius, Marion, Mo. Sister: Martha—1860 Census

Married Mary Melvina Tattmin, 9 April 1874


Infant Hipkins 28001080 A work in progress


Andrew Jackson Jones 28001043 age 57

Farmer, Son of JW Jones, Married Sarah J. Sumpter.  Informant: Bettie Jones Lived Miller Township, Bay Island.  Rented farm, Children are Andrew, Bettie, and Fred.


Barbra J Hudson Jones 115481867 age 63

Father: Hall Hudson, Informant: AF Thomas 1301 Gordon St.; 1860 Census she was age 8.

John 54, Francis 21, Mathew 16, Lucinda?, Barbra 8, eliza?, William T 18, Kandis 17, Sethy A 7.


Cecil Francis Jones 110829776 Baby 10 hours old

Father: Russell Jones, Mom Bertha Newman, Mother had Brights Disease.


Andrew Kirby 35054610

Married Emma Anderson 25 April 1876


Emily M. Kirby 28001068

1853-1901 Wife of Andrew, Children: Noretta Andrew E. Kirby


Margaret Katherine Tarr-Bowen-Kirby 34682532

When Margaret Catherine Tarr was born on April 27, 1816, in Somerset, Maryland, her father, John, was 44, and her mother, Betsey, was 38. She married Stephen M.  Bowen in Maryland May 24, 1834 when she was 18 years old and they had three children: William, Stephen D, Theodore P. Bowen, together. Stephen died. She then married Richard Kirby 2 December 1846 and they had seven children together:  Ellen, Richard, Andrew J., Susana, Madison, Francis, Sarah. She died on November 13, 1875, in Marion, Missouri, at the age of 59.


Richard Kirby 34682603 age 61

Born 1799, Kentucky 1860 Census; children EllenF-13, Andrew J-10, Susana 8, Madison H-6 Francis 4, William Bowen 20, Theodore-14. Richard was the 2nd husband of Margaret Catherine Tarr.


 Fannie Belle Davis- Krigbaum 34685470 76

20 June 1864—29 January 1917

Her Parents are Leonard and Nancy Davis of Ralls County, Mo.

Fannie is the wife of Jacob V. Krigbaum.  They married in 1866.  Children: Benjamin, James T., Samuel M, Dock, Laura, Fannie. Informant: Jacob, She died of labored phenomena


Jacob Valentine Krigbaum 34685470

Born 14 February 1845-10 October 1921, Father: William Krigbaum, Informant: Doc

Occupation: Farmer, Widow of Fannie Belle, He died of cerebral apoplexy (Stroke like symptoms)


Anna Effie Brewer-Large 28001092 age 54

Husband: Charles Large who died of Bladder Cancer; They lived in Ilasco, Mo. Born in Des Moines, IA, Father Buy (Guy) Brewer and Mary Aldrich-Brewer.  Informant: Ray Rouse


Charles Albert Large 34685547

3 December 1866-5 October 1918 Very tall man at 6ft 7in. Children: Rachel E-36, Charlene-10, Lorene-3, Opal Gertrude-0,


 Henry Elmer Lawson 112450037 age 28

Accidently killed by a car in a shoal pit at Atlas Cement Plant. He was a laborer… Father James Lawson, Mother:  Margaret A. Mayfield, Adams County, Illinois. Informant: James He died January 14, 1913.


Maggie Mayfield Lawson 112582020 age 66

2 January 1853---1 January 1919, Died of Bronchial Phenomena, Born, Brown County, IL, Parents Albert and Mary Ayer-Mayfield.


Baby Legerwood-Stillborn

Parents Gary Legerwood and Martha E. Stillwell-Legerwood

3 July 1910-3July 1910


John M. Murphy 34685832

? -10 February 1908


Francess Murther 34686325

Wife of George Muther,

She is listed in the civil war pension records-widow-File May 31, 1889-3rd Mo. Cavalry.


 George Muther  34685971

25 November 1885-25 August 1905

George was a 1st Sergeant, Union Cavalry, under Capt. Gentry. He joined 20 February-Hannibal; Relived from duty 1 July 1862 132 days of service. George Muther, Sergeant, Union Cavalry, Missouri Volunteers, 3rd Regiment Box-61 S00825. Captain Lemon, Enlisted 7 Feb. 1862, Hannibal, Mo Mustered in Palmyra, MO 20 Feb 1862. Discharged 11 May, 1863, Ironton, Mo. Disability age 35.

He Married Francisca Schutz (Schultz) 20 Dec 1857 Pension records his spouse as Francis Muther.


The following information was submitted by: Anne Pasika

George Muther had two children; Julia Muther- "Moodie" married to William M. Bowen and Henry "Moodie" who married Mary Agnes Nickles, who was a sister to Anna Katherine Nickles, wife of Joseph Schultz and the daughter-in-law of George Schultz of the Rush Cemetery.


Helen L. Neff 197227853 1 year-9mos

2 May 1832-8 February 1887

Parents: John Neff and Flora Ballinger-Neff; COD-Chronic- Bronchitis, Anemia.


Avy (Ava) Riley Nelson 617665393 age 74

Father Parsly Riley, Mother Malody Dunabar, and Informant: Admiral Nelson.

 Avy was born in IL 1853 bore 8 children-3 living.


John Nelson 61766212

John was married to Ava 45 years, Liberty, Marion County, according to 1910 Census.


Mary Nelson 61812667-9 months old

23 October 1909 -27 July 1910

Parents: Alonzo and Emma Nelson; Siblings: Alonzo, Presley, Bessie, John.


Infant Patterson 34686504

1880-5 July 1881


Oricilla Poinise 34686607

Unknown -10 January 1882

A work in progress


Flora Iva Reddick 32611719-age 1

11 October 1917-8 November 1918

Parents: Thomas Reddick and Minnie Neff-Reddick


James M. Reddick 32611526 age 74

Born abt. 1842-3 August 1916

Son of Thomas Reddick, Farmer, Single, Mother Eliza, Informant: Jess Reddick.


John Thaddeus Reddick 32611250 age 70

Born about 1850 died 6 March 1920, Bay Mill Road, Parents are from Pennsylvania, Widowed, Francis-Head. He is living with Son Francis and Wife Celdria, and their two children 1920 census.


Leona Gladas Reddick 32610876 4 months

3 December 1914 6 April 1915, Parents Thomas Reddick and Minnie Neff-Reddick


Minnie Mae Neff-Reddick 32609772

8 May 1890 – 25 September 1924; Wife of Thomas Reddick, Farmers 1920 Census, Jess 34, Tom 32, Minnie 30, came from Illilnois (Minnie is the daughter of John Neff, farmer at Bay Road)


Phillip Reddick 32551112 Infant

17 March 1916-18 March 1916, Parents: Francis and Zerlda Reddick


Peter Parker Rush 245458255

Palmyra Spectator death announcement, Palmyra, Missouri · Wednesday, February 28, 1906 “Squire Parker Rush an old citizen of Miller Township, both in age and length of residence, died Sunday, He was in his fiftieth year”

Death of Peter P Rush

Peter P Rush, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Miller Township, died yesterday,   after a short illness. Mr. Rush was one of the best-known men in the county. And everyone knew him as squire. Rush. He had been a Justice of the Peace in the township for many years and the office always came to him without him seeking the office. The deceased was, at the time of his death. 82 years of age and had resided at the place where he died during his long existence.  His daughter, Mrs. Mary Smith, who is a widow, resided with him and took care of him in his declining years. The funeral was held at 3:00 O’clock and the remains were interred in the cemetery near his home. The death occurred

Yesterday morning at 11:30 and his many friends over the county will sympathize with the daughter.


Funeral of Peter P. Rush

The funeral was Held at the Home in Miller Township Yesterday Afternoon. The funeral of Peter P. Rush was held at the family home in Miller Township Monday at 8:00 O’clock and the internment took place at the Rush Cemetery which is near the home of the family. Mr. Rush leaves the following children to mourn his death: Mrs. Mary Smith. Burlington, Ia, Mrs. J. Thrasher. Mrs. Joseph Shuck, Mrs. Joseph W. Dodd and William Rush of Hannibal, and Mrs. J. Clarence Dodd, who lived with him at the time of his death and cared for him in his last moments. The death of Peter P Rush and the Funeral of Peter P Rush was transcribed by Anne Pasika October 2022 from the death announcement in the Palmyra Spectator1906.


Albert Henry Resa 105202558

20 September 1916-4 August 1917, Parents: Walter G. Resa and M Blanch Clutch, Born in Illinois.


Barnhard (Bernard?) Resa 105202783

30 October 1843 – 28 September 1929, Wife is Mercy Resa according to the pension records; He was a prisoner of war at Andersonville and survived!  He served in the Union Army, Cavalry, 14th regiment, Illinois Cavalry.


Mercy Lucas Resa 105202816

27 April 1847 – 28 September 1929


Katie Ethel. McGee Roach 34686719 age 27

5 March 1883- -19 May 1910, Parents John McGee-Virginia, Died: Typhoid fever/measles. Her husband is Charles “Charlie” Roach.


Nora Belle Roach 127634897 age 17

9 November 1892 – 1April 1918, Died of Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Parents: Charlie and Katie Roach.


Rhoda Ann Roach 127633298 age 64

14 March 1872 – 11 January 1937; Wife of Charles Roach, RR3 New London, Mo; Born in Adams County Illinois, Father: Curtis Spare or Spore. Mother: Nancy Lindsey.


Susanna “Susan” Florence Roach 127635801

16 XXXX1833 – 9 April 1910—the death certificate is not readable due to sloppiness! Mother of Charlie Roach and lived on Palmyra Avenue.


Kenneth K. Rush 16134393 1 year 11 months

6 August 1915 - 13 July 1917 Parents: Wm Rush and Florence Kirby- Rush


Catherine Bub - Schultz 28001096

25 February 1833 – 14 November 1894, born in Bavaria, Wife of George Schultz, Mother of: Nannie 21, George 14, Melia 12, Odessa 12, Christina 5, Charles 2/12


Charles J. Schultz 28001094 5 months old

2 Feb 1884 – 7 July 1884


George Schultz 28001095

8 November 1832 – 4 December 1886, George served in the Civil War as a private in Company E, 2nd Missouri Cavalry; He mustered in 12 March 1862 and mustered out 25 March 1865, Katrine (Katherine) is listed on the 1890 Veteran’s schedule (He mustered out the same day as Theodore P. Bowen) I wonder if they walked or rode home together that day?


More on George Schultz, submitted by Ann Pasika to be included in this work:  George Schultz was born March 2, 1829, in Bayern, Germany. He immigrated to the United States during the World War 1conflict over Luxembourg. Supposedly he came through the Gulf of Mexico and up the Mississippi River on a boat. He met Catherine Bubb in the St. Louis area. They were soon married in St. Clair County, Illinois which was just across the river from St. Louis. He came with enough cash to buy a plot of land along the bluffs of the Mississippi River between Palmyra and Hannibal, Missouri. The children often said that when they tried to talk about their father’s heritage, he always told them to” be still.” George Schultz spoke High German. He was a well-known farmer and businessman in Miller Township, Marion County, Missouri.  An inscription on his tombstone is an inscription “AOUW”; which means Ancient Order of United Workmen. This means that the original George and Catherine were the parents of 9 children. One of their children only living until the age of 14 is buried beside them in Rush Cemetery. George and Catherine had 29 grandchildren. George Schultz; tombstone reads 12-4-1886, Age 57 yrs. 9 mos. 2 days. The land for the cemetery had been donated by Peter Parker Rush in early years and named it Rush Cemetery. The private cemetery appears to be in the 1930 Marion County Missouri Plat Book as being on the property owned by George S. Schultz’. It is believed that the Bay Mill was also on the Schultz property at one time.


Andrew W Scott 34694988

18 October 1853

A work in progress


James Chester Scott 34716830 6 mos. old,

27 July 1922 – 5 February 1923

 Phenomena Informant: James and Juanita Shannon –Scott


N. E. Scott 34716250 3 weeks old

20 December 1911 – 14 January 1912


Nancy E. Scott 34716312

14 Jun. 1853 –  8 October 1908, Born KY; Husband Samuel Scott, 5th Street, Hannibal. Married 1872, Children: Annie 19, Sarah 16, Arthur 14, James 4. “Tipton Times” reported on October 15, 1708 that Mrs. Samuel P. Scott was found dead in her bed, due to heart-disease.


Samuel P Scott 34716760—He is in the 1910 census re- married to Laura B Scott, age 21 with a 1 year old stepson, and his kids.


Jane M Smith 34716873

1 November 1857 – 1 September 1882 (Same death date as Margaret Below)

(Could be the same person)


Margaret Smith 34716920

Birth unknown? -1 Sept 1882 (Same death date as Jane M)


Fred Sourdike 34717260

1880 Census, farmer, age 55, wife Sarah age 50 (5 farms down is Stephen and Owen Bowen)


Martha W. Sourdike 34717168

20 Feb 1819 – 9 April 1895—did not find anything on Martha


Bertie M. Stillwell 34718305

16 February 1889 – 6 April 1902, Bertie was age 31 in 1920 her parents are from Texas. She divorced John F Stillwell and moved back to Texas.


Infant Stillwell, 34665956


 John Stillwell 34718048

Unknown -17 December 1905 (Possibly served in Civil war-has headstone. He is living with Robert and Nancy Campbell of Miller, Marion County. He was born in Ohio. This  location is four farms down from Richard Kirby.


Martha Belle Gibson- Stillwell 34717519

20 April 1849 – 20 March 1917, Widow of John Stillwell, 1913 Settles St. Hannibal.  Born in Kentucky, Father is John Gibson, Occupation is housework. Informant: Lilli B. Bright.


Martin V. Stillwell 34717877

8 October 1875 – 15 December 1898.  According to the 1900 Census he was a resident on Settles Street in Hannibal.  His Birth date is listed as September 1877. He is the son of John and Martha B. Stillwell.


Unknown Stillwell with no visible name or dates 28001071


Albert Lee Strothoff 34719493 age  25

2  November 1909 – Born in Adams County, IL to Joseph and Bertie St. Clair-Strothoff.  He committed suicide by drinking carbonic acid from a glass while at his sister’s house, Ethel Shumm. He died in the hospital shortly afterwards. . Informant: Joseph Strothoff.


Beulah Margaret Strothoff 34719392 age 1



 Birdie Mae Strothoff 34718386

1888 – 1949

Mother of Albert Lee, 1920 census reveals Husband is Joseph and they live on Bay Island Road, Children: Albert 10, Ethel 8, Jennie 7, cleve 5, Pearl 3, rented the farm.


Hazel Strothoff 28001101 Birth and death dates unknown


Robert Lee Strothoff 34718455 age 6

12 May 1920 – 26 January 1927 Address: Wabash Avenue died of bronchial phenomena and measles. Parents: Joseph and Bertie St. Claire-Strothoff.


FATHER  is inscribed on this stone no more information: is available 28001107


Ida Mae is inscribed on this stone and no more information is available 34624210


Alice E.  Meyer Thomas 132082102

28 May 1872 – 27 April 1931, Husband and informant: Alonzo F. Thomas

Baby Boy VaLeu  1551054609

 2 October 1921 – 2 October 1921 No further information is available.


Cecil Raymond Withrow 34720016 8 months

6 May 1926 – 2 January 1927, parents Lowell and Lena (Neff) Withrow

Dr. Banks stated middle ear infection on death certificate.


Robert Eugene Withrow 34719938 6 months

11 September 1924 4 March 1925, parents Lowell and Lena (Neff) Withrow, Dr. Banks stated on the death certificate died of bronchial phenomena.


Wilma Jean Withrow 28001085 age 6 months

13 April 1936 – 17 October 1936, parents are Lowell and Lena (Neff) Withrow

Marker is a metal name plate from Schwartz Service; Dr. Shanks reported baby died from pneumonia on the death certificate.





Please note that the series of numbers following each name is the ID number for the deceased person:  you might find more information such as grave photos and photographs’


Many birth and death certificates for Missouri can be found: including the ones for the people buried at Rush Cemetery. Death certificates will state parents of deceased, informant, cause of death (COD) and occupation.

John Rush and Peter Parker Rush are both buried at Rush Cemetery; I suspect Peter Parker Rush’s two wives are buried here as well. Probably other Rush family members such as John Rush’s two daughters and his Brother may be buried here.  Please find this link to a complete Genealogy Report of the Descendants of Thomas Rush of Virginia. You will find a lot of Marion County history within its works: