Board Meeting:  October 17, 2013, 3:30 p.m.


Present:  Vice-President Katie Wright and Secretary/Treasurer Hallie Yundt Silver

Excused Absent:  President Debbie Bastian


Friends Vice-President Katie Wright called the Friends Board Meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.


Moved by Katie Wright and supported by Hallie Yundt Silver to approve the Minutes of previous meeting on December 13, 2012.  Motion carried.


Moved by Katie Wright and supported by Hallie Yundt Silver to approve the Financial Report as presented, including the following:

ü      As of last bank statement (June 18, 2013), balance in HNB savings was $537.55.  There were two invoices outstanding:  $25 for Amber’s baby shower gift certificate and $70.47 for food for the mini-golf fundraiser.  A deposit of $118.50 was made after mini-golf, bringing the balance to $560.58 once the invoices are paid to Hannibal Free Public Library.

ü      Mini-golf fundraiser netted $48.03.

ü      Filing of the MO Secretary of State’s Non-Profit Registration Report is now biennial.  The report is due and will be filed after today’s election.   Hallie Yundt Silver will pay for the filing in lieu of her and her husband’s dues.

ü      Request approval for Payment of Invoices:  Library, August 1, $25.00, and Library, September 27, 2013, $70.47.

ü      Donation of $50 to Library’s gift book fund to make filing the I-990PF easier in January. 

Motion carried.


Moved by Hallie Yundt Silver and supported by Katie Wright to adjourn.  Friends Board Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver , Library Director, Hannibal Free Public Library, and

   Secretary/Treasurer, Friends of the Hannibal Free Public Library





Annual Meeting:  October 17, 2013, 4:00 p.m.


Present were:  Carol Bridgeman, Katie Wright, Virginia Mulhern, Harriet Grubb and Hallie Yundt Silver.

Absent were:  Babs Herring and Gary Silver


Friends Vice-President Katie Wright called the Annual Friends Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.  She greeted and welcomed returning and new Friends.


Dues were collected.  Copies of the new brochure was distributed.


Hallie Yundt Silver provided the Membership Report.  She reported that the Friends now had seven paid members.  With five being present, there was a quorum.


Moved by Harriet Grubb and supported by Virginia Mulhern to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting, Annual Meeting of October 18, 2012.  Motion carried.


Moved by Carol Bridgeman and supported by Harriet Grubb to approve the Financial Report as presented, including:

ü      As of last bank statement (June 18, 2013), balance in HNB savings was $537.55.  There were two invoices outstanding:  $25 for Amber’s baby shower gift certificate and $70.47 for food for the mini-golf fundraiser.  The Friends Board just voted to contribute $50 to the Library’s Gift Book fund.  A deposit of $118.50 was made after mini-golf, bringing the balance to $510.58 once the invoices are paid to Hannibal Free Public Library.

ü      Mini-golf fundraiser netted $48.03.

Motion carried.


Moved by Harriet Grubb and supported by Carol Bridgeman to adopt the proposed By-Laws amending Article II, Section 6:  "Obiectives" to read "Objectives.”  Motion carried.


Nominations were sought from the floor.  Moved by Hallie Yundt Silver to close nominations and elect the following people by proclamation:  Katie Wright as Friends President, Virginia Mulhern as Friends Vice-President, and Hallie Yundt Silver, Friends Secretary/Treasurer.  Motion carried. 


Hallie Yundt Silver provided the Library Director’s report, including:


·        Congratulations to Kim Ahrens on her appointment to the Library Board. 

·        Library Mini-Golf was a fun event although lower key than last year.  Staff wants to try offering it on a Saturday afternoon in September 2014.

·        Meetings to form Northeast Missouri Literacy Council are going well.  We plan one on Tuesday in Palmyra , one on Thursday in New London , and two in the northern counties as soon as they can be scheduled and publicized.

·        We are working on a template for a newsletter.  The first issue should be out soon.

·        The Friends webpage has been revised.  The revised By-Laws will be mounted next week as will a new membership form.  Find the website at

·        Calendar for 2013-2014

o       E-Reader Zoos on Saturday, November 9, and Tuesday, November 11, 2013

o       Google Sites & Drive on Monday, November 18, and Saturday, November 23.

o       Chess Tournament on Saturday, November 19.

o       Library’s Holiday Potluck, Thursday, December 19 (in lieu of any December Friends meetings)

o       Library Tea, Saturday, Saturday, February 8, 2014

o       Book Lover’s Sale , Friday & Saturday, February 14 & 15

o       Friends Board & Friends Meeting, May 15

o       Ink by the Barrel, August TBA

o       Annual Book Sale , August 24, 25 & 26

o       Library Mini-Golf, September 27

o       Annual Meeting, October 16


Katie Wright encouraged participation in other Library activities as well, including Coffee Club and Book Discussion Group.


Moved by Harriet Grubb and supported by Virginia Mulhern to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver , Library Director, Hannibal Free Public Library, and

   Secretary/Treasurer, Friends of the Hannibal Free Public Library